Engineering of thermoelectric composites based on silver selenide in aqueous solution and ambient temperature
Nan B, Li M, Zhang Y, Xiao K, Lim KH, Chang C, Han X, Zuo Y, Li J, Arbiol J, Llorca J, Ibáñez M, Cabot A. 2024. Engineering of thermoelectric composites based on silver selenide in aqueous solution and ambient temperature. ACS Applied Electronic Materials. 6(5), 2807–215.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
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Nan, Bingfei;
Li, Mengyao;
Zhang, Yu;
Xiao, Ke;
Lim, Khak Ho;
Chang, ChengISTA
Han, Xu;
Zuo, Yong;
Li, Junshan;
Arbiol, Jordi;
Llorca, Jordi;
Ibáñez , MariaISTA

The direct, solid state, and reversible conversion between heat and electricity using thermoelectric devices finds numerous potential uses, especially around room temperature. However, the relatively high material processing cost limits their real applications. Silver selenide (Ag2Se) is one of the very few n-type thermoelectric (TE) materials for room-temperature applications. Herein, we report a room temperature, fast, and aqueous-phase synthesis approach to produce Ag2Se, which can be extended to other metal chalcogenides. These materials reach TE figures of merit (zT) of up to 0.76 at 380 K. To improve these values, bismuth sulfide (Bi2S3) particles also prepared in an aqueous solution are incorporated into the Ag2Se matrix. In this way, a series of Ag2Se/Bi2S3 composites with Bi2S3 wt % of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 are prepared by solution blending and hot-press sintering. The presence of Bi2S3 significantly improves the Seebeck coefficient and power factor while at the same time decreasing the thermal conductivity with no apparent drop in electrical conductivity. Thus, a maximum zT value of 0.96 is achieved in the composites with 1.0 wt % Bi2S3 at 370 K. Furthermore, a high average zT value (zTave) of 0.93 in the 300–390 K range is demonstrated.
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ACS Applied Electronic Materials
American Chemical Society
Open Access is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). B.N., M.L., Y.Z., K.X., and X.H. thank the China Scholarship Council (CSC) for the scholarship support. C.C. received funding from the FWF “Lise Meitner Fellowship” grant agreement M 2889-N. M.I. acknowledges the financial support from ISTA and the Werner Siemens Foundation. ICN2 acknowledges funding from Generalitat de Catalunya 2021SGR00457 and project NANOGEN (PID2020-116093RB-C43) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/. ICN2 was supported by the Severo Ochoa program from Spanish MCIN/AEI (Grant No.: CEX2021-001214-S) and was funded by the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. J.L. is a Serra Húnter Fellow and is grateful to the ICREA Academia program and projects MICINN/FEDER PID2021-124572OB-C31 and 2021 SGR 01061. K.H.L. acknowledges support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (22208293). This study is part of the Advanced Materials programme and was supported by MCIN with funding from European Union NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I1) and by Generalitat de Catalunya.
Cite this
Nan B, Li M, Zhang Y, et al. Engineering of thermoelectric composites based on silver selenide in aqueous solution and ambient temperature. ACS Applied Electronic Materials. 2024;6(5):2807-215. doi:10.1021/acsaelm.3c00055
Nan, B., Li, M., Zhang, Y., Xiao, K., Lim, K. H., Chang, C., … Cabot, A. (2024). Engineering of thermoelectric composites based on silver selenide in aqueous solution and ambient temperature. ACS Applied Electronic Materials. American Chemical Society.
Nan, Bingfei, Mengyao Li, Yu Zhang, Ke Xiao, Khak Ho Lim, Cheng Chang, Xu Han, et al. “Engineering of Thermoelectric Composites Based on Silver Selenide in Aqueous Solution and Ambient Temperature.” ACS Applied Electronic Materials. American Chemical Society, 2024.
B. Nan et al., “Engineering of thermoelectric composites based on silver selenide in aqueous solution and ambient temperature,” ACS Applied Electronic Materials, vol. 6, no. 5. American Chemical Society, pp. 2807–215, 2024.
Nan B, Li M, Zhang Y, Xiao K, Lim KH, Chang C, Han X, Zuo Y, Li J, Arbiol J, Llorca J, Ibáñez M, Cabot A. 2024. Engineering of thermoelectric composites based on silver selenide in aqueous solution and ambient temperature. ACS Applied Electronic Materials. 6(5), 2807–215.
Nan, Bingfei, et al. “Engineering of Thermoelectric Composites Based on Silver Selenide in Aqueous Solution and Ambient Temperature.” ACS Applied Electronic Materials, vol. 6, no. 5, American Chemical Society, 2024, pp. 2807–215, doi:10.1021/acsaelm.3c00055.
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