Fast approximations for boundary element based brittle fracture simulation

Hahn D, Wojtan C. 2016. Fast approximations for boundary element based brittle fracture simulation. ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol. 35, 104.

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Conference Paper | Published | English
Series Title
ACM Transactions on Graphics
We present a boundary element based method for fast simulation of brittle fracture. By introducing simplifying assumptions that allow us to quickly estimate stress intensities and opening displacements during crack propagation, we build a fracture algorithm where the cost of each time step scales linearly with the length of the crackfront. The transition from a full boundary element method to our faster variant is possible at the beginning of any time step. This allows us to build a hybrid method, which uses the expensive but more accurate BEM while the number of degrees of freedom is low, and uses the fast method once that number exceeds a given threshold as the crack geometry becomes more complicated. Furthermore, we integrate this fracture simulation with a standard rigid-body solver. Our rigid-body coupling solves a Neumann boundary value problem by carefully separating translational, rotational and deformational components of the collision forces and then applying a Tikhonov regularizer to the resulting linear system. We show that our method produces physically reasonable results in standard test cases and is capable of dealing with complex scenes faster than previous finite- or boundary element approaches.
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Conference Location
Anaheim, CA, USA
Conference Date
2016-07-24 – 2016-07-28

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Hahn D, Wojtan C. Fast approximations for boundary element based brittle fracture simulation. In: Vol 35. ACM; 2016. doi:10.1145/2897824.2925902
Hahn, D., & Wojtan, C. (2016). Fast approximations for boundary element based brittle fracture simulation (Vol. 35). Presented at the ACM SIGGRAPH, Anaheim, CA, USA: ACM.
Hahn, David, and Chris Wojtan. “Fast Approximations for Boundary Element Based Brittle Fracture Simulation,” Vol. 35. ACM, 2016.
D. Hahn and C. Wojtan, “Fast approximations for boundary element based brittle fracture simulation,” presented at the ACM SIGGRAPH, Anaheim, CA, USA, 2016, vol. 35, no. 4.
Hahn D, Wojtan C. 2016. Fast approximations for boundary element based brittle fracture simulation. ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol. 35, 104.
Hahn, David, and Chris Wojtan. Fast Approximations for Boundary Element Based Brittle Fracture Simulation. Vol. 35, no. 4, 104, ACM, 2016, doi:10.1145/2897824.2925902.
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