Approximating the bundled crossing number
Arroyo Guevara AM, Felsner S. 2023. Approximating the bundled crossing number. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications. 27(6), 433–457.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
Scopus indexed
Arroyo Guevara, Alan MISTA
Felsner, Stefan

Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation
Bundling crossings is a strategy which can enhance the readability
of graph drawings. In this paper we consider good drawings, i.e., we require that
any two edges have at most one common point which can be a common vertex or a
crossing. Our main result is that there is a polynomial-time algorithm to compute an
8-approximation of the bundled crossing number of a good drawing with no toothed
hole. In general the number of toothed holes has to be added to the 8-approximation.
In the special case of circular drawings the approximation factor is 8, this improves
upon the 10-approximation of Fink et al. [14]. Our approach also works with the same
approximation factor for families of pseudosegments, i.e., curves intersecting at most
once. We also show how to compute a 9/2-approximation when the intersection graph of
the pseudosegments is bipartite and has no toothed hole.
Publishing Year
Date Published
Journal Title
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Brown University
This work was initiated during the Workshop on Geometric Graphs in November 2019 in Strobl, Austria. We would like to thank Oswin Aichholzer, Fabian Klute, Man-Kwun Chiu, Martin Balko, Pavel Valtr for their avid discussions during the workshop. The first author has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sk lodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754411. The second author has been supported by the German Research Foundation DFG Project FE 340/12-1. An extended abstract of this paper has been published in the proceedings of WALCOM 2022 in the Springer LNCS series, vol. 13174, pages 383–395.
Cite this
Arroyo Guevara AM, Felsner S. Approximating the bundled crossing number. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications. 2023;27(6):433-457. doi:10.7155/jgaa.00629
Arroyo Guevara, A. M., & Felsner, S. (2023). Approximating the bundled crossing number. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications. Brown University.
Arroyo Guevara, Alan M, and Stefan Felsner. “Approximating the Bundled Crossing Number.” Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications. Brown University, 2023.
A. M. Arroyo Guevara and S. Felsner, “Approximating the bundled crossing number,” Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, vol. 27, no. 6. Brown University, pp. 433–457, 2023.
Arroyo Guevara AM, Felsner S. 2023. Approximating the bundled crossing number. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications. 27(6), 433–457.
Arroyo Guevara, Alan M., and Stefan Felsner. “Approximating the Bundled Crossing Number.” Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, vol. 27, no. 6, Brown University, 2023, pp. 433–57, doi:10.7155/jgaa.00629.
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arXiv 2109.14892