Rotor lattice model of ferroelectric large polarons
Koutentakis G, Ghazaryan A, Lemeshko M. 2023. Rotor lattice model of ferroelectric large polarons. Physical Review Research. 5(4), 043016.
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We present a minimal model of ferroelectric large polarons, which are suggested as one of the mechanisms responsible for the unique charge transport properties of hybrid perovskites. We demonstrate that short-ranged charge–rotor interactions lead to long-range ferroelectric ordering of rotors, which strongly affects the carrier mobility. In the nonperturbative regime, where our theory cannot be reduced to any of the earlier models, we reveal that the polaron is characterized by large coherence length and a roughly tenfold increase of the effective mass as compared to the bare mass. These results are in good agreement with other theoretical predictions for ferroelectric polarons. Our model establishes a general phenomenological framework for ferroelectric polarons providing the starting point for future studies of their role in the transport properties of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites.
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Physical Review Research
American Physical Society
We thank Zh. Alpichshev, A. Volosniev, and A. V. Zampetaki for fruitful discussions and comments. This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 101034413. M.L. acknowledges support by the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant No. 801770 (ANGULON).
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Koutentakis G, Ghazaryan A, Lemeshko M. Rotor lattice model of ferroelectric large polarons. Physical Review Research. 2023;5(4). doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.043016
Koutentakis, G., Ghazaryan, A., & Lemeshko, M. (2023). Rotor lattice model of ferroelectric large polarons. Physical Review Research. American Physical Society.
Koutentakis, Georgios, Areg Ghazaryan, and Mikhail Lemeshko. “Rotor Lattice Model of Ferroelectric Large Polarons.” Physical Review Research. American Physical Society, 2023.
G. Koutentakis, A. Ghazaryan, and M. Lemeshko, “Rotor lattice model of ferroelectric large polarons,” Physical Review Research, vol. 5, no. 4. American Physical Society, 2023.
Koutentakis G, Ghazaryan A, Lemeshko M. 2023. Rotor lattice model of ferroelectric large polarons. Physical Review Research. 5(4), 043016.
Koutentakis, Georgios, et al. “Rotor Lattice Model of Ferroelectric Large Polarons.” Physical Review Research, vol. 5, no. 4, 043016, American Physical Society, 2023, doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.043016.
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