Data and code for: The genetic architecture of a recent transition to live-bearing in marine snails
Stankowski S. 2023. Data and code for: The genetic architecture of a recent transition to live-bearing in marine snails, Zenodo, 10.5281/ZENODO.8318995.
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Zagrodzka, Zusanna
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This repository contains the code and VCF files needed to conduct the analyses in our MS. Each folder contains a readMe document explaining the nature of each file and dataset and the results and analyses that they relate to. The same anlaysis code (but not VCF files) is also available at
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Stankowski S. Data and code for: The genetic architecture of a recent transition to live-bearing in marine snails. 2023. doi:10.5281/ZENODO.8318995
Stankowski, S. (2023). Data and code for: The genetic architecture of a recent transition to live-bearing in marine snails. Zenodo.
Stankowski, Sean. “Data and Code for: The Genetic Architecture of a Recent Transition to Live-Bearing in Marine Snails.” Zenodo, 2023.
S. Stankowski, “Data and code for: The genetic architecture of a recent transition to live-bearing in marine snails.” Zenodo, 2023.
Stankowski S. 2023. Data and code for: The genetic architecture of a recent transition to live-bearing in marine snails, Zenodo, 10.5281/ZENODO.8318995.
Stankowski, Sean. Data and Code for: The Genetic Architecture of a Recent Transition to Live-Bearing in Marine Snails. Zenodo, 2023, doi:10.5281/ZENODO.8318995.
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