Towards a quantum entanglement enhanced atom interferomter

Li V. 2024. Towards a quantum entanglement enhanced atom interferomter. Institute of Science and Technology Austria.

OA PhD_Thesis_Vyacheslav_Li_no_signatures_PDFA.pdf 6.73 MB [Published Version]

Thesis | PhD | Published | English
Series Title
ISTA Thesis
This thesis describes the development of an atom interferometer designed to exploit the advantages of utilizing quantum entanglement for enhanced precision measurements beyond the standard quantum limit. While the project remains ongoing, significant progress has been made. A key contribution of this work is the development of Quantrol, an experimental control system leveraging the ARTIQ framework. This software enables precise timing and control without requiring prior knowledge of ARTIQ’s implementation details or coding experience. The interface offers user friendly visual comprehension of the experimental sequence and extended capabilities, allowing researchers to scan variables with a simple click of a mouse. The main proposed project is to implement atom interferometric sequence with squeezed input states inside of a dipole trap generated by a high finesse cavity. The presence of the dipole trap allows one dimensional atomic cloud split while maintaining relatively strong confinement in other directions. We are currently able to trap and cool 87Rb atoms to few micro kelvin temperatures, load them into the dipole trap and state prepare them to be used for squeezing and interferometric sequence.
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Li V. Towards a quantum entanglement enhanced atom interferomter. 2024. doi:10.15479/at:ista:17225
Li, V. (2024). Towards a quantum entanglement enhanced atom interferomter. Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
Li, Vyacheslav. “Towards a Quantum Entanglement Enhanced Atom Interferomter.” Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2024.
V. Li, “Towards a quantum entanglement enhanced atom interferomter,” Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2024.
Li V. 2024. Towards a quantum entanglement enhanced atom interferomter. Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
Li, Vyacheslav. Towards a Quantum Entanglement Enhanced Atom Interferomter. Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2024, doi:10.15479/at:ista:17225.
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