Versatile cloning strategy for efficient multigene editing in Arabidopsis
LI Z, Huard J, Bayer EM, Wattelet-Boyer V. 2024. Versatile cloning strategy for efficient multigene editing in Arabidopsis. Bio-protocol. 14(13), e5029.
Journal Article
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| English
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Huard, Jennifer;
Bayer, Emmanuelle M.;
Wattelet-Boyer, Valérie
CRISPR-Cas9 technology has become an essential tool for plant genome editing. Recent advancements have significantly improved the ability to target multiple genes simultaneously within the same genetic background through various strategies. Additionally, there has been significant progress in developing methods for inducible or tissue-specific editing. These advancements offer numerous possibilities for tailored genome modifications. Building upon existing research, we have developed an optimized and modular strategy allowing the targeting of several genes simultaneously in combination with the synchronized expression of the Cas9 endonuclease in the egg cell. This system allows significant editing efficiency while avoiding mosaicism. In addition, the versatile system we propose allows adaptation to inducible and/or tissue-specific edition according to the promoter chosen to drive the expression of the Cas9 gene. Here, we describe a step-by-step protocol for generating the binary vector necessary for establishing Arabidopsis edited lines using a versatile cloning strategy that combines Gateway® and Golden Gate technologies. We describe a versatile system that allows the cloning of as many guides as needed to target DNA, which can be multiplexed into a polycistronic gene and combined in the same construct with sequences for the expression of the Cas9 endonuclease. The expression of Cas9 is controlled by selecting from among a collection of promoters, including constitutive, inducible, ubiquitous, or tissue-specific promoters. Only one vector containing the polycistronic gene (tRNA-sgRNA) needs to be constructed. For that, sgRNA (composed of protospacers chosen to target the gene of interest and sgRNA scaffold) is cloned in tandem with the pre-tRNA sequence. Then, a single recombination reaction is required to assemble the promoter, the zCas9 coding sequence, and the tRNA-gRNA polycistronic gene. Each element is cloned in an entry vector and finally assembled according to the Multisite Gateway® Technology. Here, we detail the process to express zCas9 under the control of egg cell promoter fused to enhancer sequence (EC1.2en-EC1.1p) and to simultaneously target two multiple C2 domains and transmembrane region protein genes (MCTP3 and MCTP4, respectively at3g57880 and at1g51570), using one or two sgRNA per gene.
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This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (project 772103-BRIDGING to E.M.B.).
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LI Z, Huard J, Bayer EM, Wattelet-Boyer V. Versatile cloning strategy for efficient multigene editing in Arabidopsis. Bio-protocol. 2024;14(13). doi:10.21769/BioProtoc.5029
LI, Z., Huard, J., Bayer, E. M., & Wattelet-Boyer, V. (2024). Versatile cloning strategy for efficient multigene editing in Arabidopsis. Bio-Protocol. Bio-Protocol.
LI, ZIQIANG, Jennifer Huard, Emmanuelle M. Bayer, and Valérie Wattelet-Boyer. “Versatile Cloning Strategy for Efficient Multigene Editing in Arabidopsis.” Bio-Protocol. Bio-Protocol, 2024.
Z. LI, J. Huard, E. M. Bayer, and V. Wattelet-Boyer, “Versatile cloning strategy for efficient multigene editing in Arabidopsis,” Bio-protocol, vol. 14, no. 13. Bio-Protocol, 2024.
LI Z, Huard J, Bayer EM, Wattelet-Boyer V. 2024. Versatile cloning strategy for efficient multigene editing in Arabidopsis. Bio-protocol. 14(13), e5029.
LI, ZIQIANG, et al. “Versatile Cloning Strategy for Efficient Multigene Editing in Arabidopsis.” Bio-Protocol, vol. 14, no. 13, e5029, Bio-Protocol, 2024, doi:10.21769/BioProtoc.5029.
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