Geometry-driven migration efficiency of autonomous epithelial cell clusters
Vercruysse E, Brückner D, Gómez-González M, Remson A, Luciano M, Kalukula Y, Rossetti L, Trepat X, Hannezo EB, Gabriele S. 2024. Geometry-driven migration efficiency of autonomous epithelial cell clusters. Nature Physics. 20, 1492–1500.
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Vercruysse, Eléonore;
Brückner, DavidISTA
Gómez-González, Manuel;
Remson, Alexandre;
Luciano, Marine;
Kalukula, Yohalie;
Rossetti, Leone;
Trepat, Xavier;
Hannezo, Edouard ISTA
Gabriele, Sylvain

Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation
The directed migration of epithelial cell collectives through coordinated movements plays a crucial role in various physiological processes and is increasingly understood at the level of large confluent monolayers. However, numerous processes rely on the migration of small groups of polarized epithelial clusters in complex environments, and their responses to external geometries remain poorly understood. To address this, we cultivate primary epithelial keratocyte tissues on adhesive microstripes to create autonomous epithelial clusters with well-defined geometries. We show that their migration efficiency is strongly influenced by the contact geometry and the orientation of cell–cell contacts with respect to the direction of migration. A combination of velocity and polarity alignment with contact regulation of locomotion in an active matter model captures quantitatively the experimental data. Furthermore, we predict that this combination of rules enables efficient navigation in complex geometries, which we confirm experimentally. Altogether, our findings provide a conceptual framework for extracting the interaction rules of active systems from their interaction with physical boundaries, as well as design principles for collective navigation in complex microenvironments.
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Nature Physics
Springer Nature
M.L., E.V. and S.G. acknowledge funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Prostem Research Project (No. 1510614, Wallonia DG06), the Epiforce Project of the National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium (FRS-FNRS; Project No. T.0092.21), the Cellsqueezer Project of FRS-FNRS (Project No. J.0061.23), the Optopattern Project of FRS-FNRS (Project no. U.NO26.22) and the Interreg MAT(T)ISSE project, which is financially supported by Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen, ERDF). A.R. and M.L. are financially supported by FRS-FNRS as a research fellow (Aspirant FNRS) and Postdoctoral Researcher (Chargée de Recherches FNRS), respectively. E.V. and Y.K. are financially supported by FRS-FNRS through grants from the Fund for Research Training in Industry and Agriculture (FRIA). This project was supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (Grant Agreement No. 851288 to E.H.) and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (Grant Agreement No. 797621 to M.G.-G.). D.B.B. was supported by the NOMIS foundation as a NOMIS fellow and by the European Molecular Biology Organization (Postdoctoral Fellowship ALTF 343-2022) and performed this work in part at the Aspen Center for Physics, which is supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. PHY-1607611). X.T. and M.G.-G. acknowledge support from the Government of Catalonia (Grant No. AGAUR SGR-2017-01602 and a CERCA Programme), the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation and ERDF (Grant No. PGC2018-099645-B-I00), the European Research Council (Grant No. Adv-883739), Fundació la Marató de TV3 (201903-30-31-32), the European Commission (Grant No. H2020-FETPROACT-01-2016-731957), La Caixa Foundation and the Biomedical Research Center Consortium in Red (Grant No. CB15/00153) at the Carlos III Health Institute, Ministry of Science and Innovation. IBEC is recipient of a Severo Ochoa Award of Excellence from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business.
Cite this
Vercruysse E, Brückner D, Gómez-González M, et al. Geometry-driven migration efficiency of autonomous epithelial cell clusters. Nature Physics. 2024;20:1492-1500. doi:10.1038/s41567-024-02532-x
Vercruysse, E., Brückner, D., Gómez-González, M., Remson, A., Luciano, M., Kalukula, Y., … Gabriele, S. (2024). Geometry-driven migration efficiency of autonomous epithelial cell clusters. Nature Physics. Springer Nature.
Vercruysse, Eléonore, David Brückner, Manuel Gómez-González, Alexandre Remson, Marine Luciano, Yohalie Kalukula, Leone Rossetti, Xavier Trepat, Edouard B Hannezo, and Sylvain Gabriele. “Geometry-Driven Migration Efficiency of Autonomous Epithelial Cell Clusters.” Nature Physics. Springer Nature, 2024.
E. Vercruysse et al., “Geometry-driven migration efficiency of autonomous epithelial cell clusters,” Nature Physics, vol. 20. Springer Nature, pp. 1492–1500, 2024.
Vercruysse E, Brückner D, Gómez-González M, Remson A, Luciano M, Kalukula Y, Rossetti L, Trepat X, Hannezo EB, Gabriele S. 2024. Geometry-driven migration efficiency of autonomous epithelial cell clusters. Nature Physics. 20, 1492–1500.
Vercruysse, Eléonore, et al. “Geometry-Driven Migration Efficiency of Autonomous Epithelial Cell Clusters.” Nature Physics, vol. 20, Springer Nature, 2024, pp. 1492–500, doi:10.1038/s41567-024-02532-x.
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