Disordered regions in the IRE1α ER lumenal domain mediate its stress-induced clustering
Kettel P, Marosits L, Spinetti E, Rechberger M, Giannini C, Radler P, Niedermoser I, Fischer I, Versteeg GA, Loose M, Covino R, Karagöz GE. 2024. Disordered regions in the IRE1α ER lumenal domain mediate its stress-induced clustering. EMBO Journal. 43(20), 4668–4698.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
Scopus indexed
Kettel, Paulina;
Marosits, Laura;
Spinetti, Elena;
Rechberger, Michael;
Giannini, CaterinaISTA;
Radler, PhilippISTA
Niedermoser, Isabell;
Fischer, Irmgard;
Versteeg, Gijs A.;
Loose, MartinISTA
Covino, Roberto;
Karagöz, G. Elif

Conserved signaling cascades monitor protein-folding homeostasis to ensure proper cellular function. One of the evolutionary conserved key players is IRE1, which maintains endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis through the unfolded protein response (UPR). Upon accumulation of misfolded proteins in the ER, IRE1 forms clusters on the ER membrane to initiate UPR signaling. What regulates IRE1 cluster formation is not fully understood. Here, we show that the ER lumenal domain (LD) of human IRE1α forms biomolecular condensates in vitro. IRE1α LD condensates were stabilized both by binding to unfolded polypeptides as well as by tethering to model membranes, suggesting their role in assembling IRE1α into signaling-competent stable clusters. Molecular dynamics simulations indicated that weak multivalent interactions drive IRE1α LD clustering. Mutagenesis experiments identified disordered regions in IRE1α LD to control its clustering in vitro and in cells. Importantly, dysregulated clustering of IRE1α mutants led to defects in IRE1α signaling. Our results revealed that disordered regions in IRE1α LD control its clustering and suggest their role as a common strategy in regulating protein assembly on membranes.
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EMBO Journal
Embo Press
We thank late Thomas Peterbauer at the Max Perutz Labs Biooptics Light Microscopy Facility for his help and support. We are grateful to Kitti Csalyi and Thomas Sauer at Max Perutz Labs Biooptics FACS facility for their help. We thank Grzegorz Scibisz and Sertan Atilla for their support with the expression and purification of mCherry-IRE1α LD-10His. We are grateful to Aleksandra S Anisimova with her help in the generation of stable cell lines and the statistical analyses of the data. We thank Venja Vieweger for her help with the characterization of the WLLI and D123P IRE1 mutants in cells. We are thankful to Monika Kubickova for the help with the AUC experiments. We acknowledge CF BIC of CIISB, Instruct-CZ Centre, supported by MEYS CR (LM2023042)) and European Regional Development Fund-Project, UP CIISB“ (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_046/0015974). We thank the members of the Karagöz lab for the critical reading and editing of the manuscript. We are thankful to our colleagues Diego Acosta-Alvear, Vladislav Belyy, Jirka Peschek, Yasin Dagdas, Javier Martinez, Sascha Martens and Alwin Köhler for their invaluable input on the manuscript. We are grateful to Life Science Editors, especially Katrina Woolcock for her useful edits and comments on the manuscript. We acknowledge funding from Austrian Science Fund (FWF-SFB F79 and FWF-W 1261) to GEK. PK acknowledges the support of the Max Perutz PhD fellowship. GAV is funded by Stand-Alone grants (P30231-B, P30415-B, P36572), Special Research Grant (SFB grant F79), and Doctoral School grant (DK grant W1261) from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). ES and RC acknowledge support and funding by the Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies, the LOEWE Center for Multiscale Modelling in Life Sciences of the state of Hesse, the Collaborative Research Center 1507 “Membrane-associated Protein Assemblies, Machineries, and Supercomplexes” (Project ID 450648163), and the International Max Planck Research School on Cellular Biophysics (to RC), the Center for Scientific Computing of the Goethe University and the Jülich Supercomputing Centre for computational resources and support.
Cite this
Kettel P, Marosits L, Spinetti E, et al. Disordered regions in the IRE1α ER lumenal domain mediate its stress-induced clustering. EMBO Journal. 2024;43(20):4668-4698. doi:10.1038/s44318-024-00207-0
Kettel, P., Marosits, L., Spinetti, E., Rechberger, M., Giannini, C., Radler, P., … Karagöz, G. E. (2024). Disordered regions in the IRE1α ER lumenal domain mediate its stress-induced clustering. EMBO Journal. Embo Press. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44318-024-00207-0
Kettel, Paulina, Laura Marosits, Elena Spinetti, Michael Rechberger, Caterina Giannini, Philipp Radler, Isabell Niedermoser, et al. “Disordered Regions in the IRE1α ER Lumenal Domain Mediate Its Stress-Induced Clustering.” EMBO Journal. Embo Press, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44318-024-00207-0.
P. Kettel et al., “Disordered regions in the IRE1α ER lumenal domain mediate its stress-induced clustering,” EMBO Journal, vol. 43, no. 20. Embo Press, pp. 4668–4698, 2024.
Kettel P, Marosits L, Spinetti E, Rechberger M, Giannini C, Radler P, Niedermoser I, Fischer I, Versteeg GA, Loose M, Covino R, Karagöz GE. 2024. Disordered regions in the IRE1α ER lumenal domain mediate its stress-induced clustering. EMBO Journal. 43(20), 4668–4698.
Kettel, Paulina, et al. “Disordered Regions in the IRE1α ER Lumenal Domain Mediate Its Stress-Induced Clustering.” EMBO Journal, vol. 43, no. 20, Embo Press, 2024, pp. 4668–98, doi:10.1038/s44318-024-00207-0.
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