Theory of angular momentum transfer from light to molecules

Maslov M, Koutentakis G, Hrast M, Heckl OH, Lemeshko M. 2024. Theory of angular momentum transfer from light to molecules. Physical Review Research. 6(3), 033277.

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We present a theory describing the interaction of structured light, such as light carrying orbital angular momentum, with molecules. The light-matter interaction Hamiltonian we derive is expressed through couplings between spherical gradients of the electric field and the (transition) electric multipole moments of a particle of any nontrivial rotation point group. Our model can therefore accommodate an arbitrary complexity of the molecular and electric field structure, and it can be straightforwardly extended to atoms or nanostructures. Applying this framework to rovibrational spectroscopy of molecules, we uncover the general mechanism of angular momentum exchange between the spin and orbital angular momenta of light, molecular rotation, and its center-of-mass motion. We show that the nonzero vorticity of Laguerre-Gaussian beams can strongly enhance certain rovibrational transitions that are considered forbidden in the case of nonhelical light. We discuss the experimental requirements for the observation of these forbidden transitions in state-of-the-art spatially resolved spectroscopy measurements.
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Physical Review Research
We are grateful to Emilio Pisanty and Philipp Lunt for valuable discussions. This research was funded wholly or in part by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [10.55776/F1004]. G.M.K. gratefully acknowledges funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 101034413. M.L. acknowledges support by the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant No. 801770 (ANGULON). O.H.H. acknowledges support by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [10.55776/P36040]. Furthermore, the financial support by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development, and the Christian Doppler Research Association is gratefully acknowledged.
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Maslov M, Koutentakis G, Hrast M, Heckl OH, Lemeshko M. Theory of angular momentum transfer from light to molecules. Physical Review Research. 2024;6(3). doi:10.1103/physrevresearch.6.033277
Maslov, M., Koutentakis, G., Hrast, M., Heckl, O. H., & Lemeshko, M. (2024). Theory of angular momentum transfer from light to molecules. Physical Review Research. American Physical Society.
Maslov, Mikhail, Georgios Koutentakis, Mateja Hrast, Oliver H. Heckl, and Mikhail Lemeshko. “Theory of Angular Momentum Transfer from Light to Molecules.” Physical Review Research. American Physical Society, 2024.
M. Maslov, G. Koutentakis, M. Hrast, O. H. Heckl, and M. Lemeshko, “Theory of angular momentum transfer from light to molecules,” Physical Review Research, vol. 6, no. 3. American Physical Society, 2024.
Maslov M, Koutentakis G, Hrast M, Heckl OH, Lemeshko M. 2024. Theory of angular momentum transfer from light to molecules. Physical Review Research. 6(3), 033277.
Maslov, Mikhail, et al. “Theory of Angular Momentum Transfer from Light to Molecules.” Physical Review Research, vol. 6, no. 3, 033277, American Physical Society, 2024, doi:10.1103/physrevresearch.6.033277.
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