Concerted transcriptional regulation of the morphogenesis of hypothalamic neurons by ONECUT3

Zupančič M, Keimpema E, Tretiakov EO, Eder SJ, Lev I, Englmaier L, Bhandari P, Fietz SA, Härtig W, Renaux E, Villunger A, Hökfelt T, Zimmer M, Clotman F, Harkany T. 2024. Concerted transcriptional regulation of the morphogenesis of hypothalamic neurons by ONECUT3. Nature Communications. 15, 8631.

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Journal Article | Published | English

Scopus indexed
Zupančič, Maja; Keimpema, Erik; Tretiakov, Evgenii O.; Eder, Stephanie J.; Lev, Itamar; Englmaier, Lukas; Bhandari, PradeepISTA ; Fietz, Simone A.; Härtig, Wolfgang; Renaux, Estelle; Villunger, Andreas; Hökfelt, Tomas
Acquisition of specialized cellular features is controlled by the ordered expression of transcription factors (TFs) along differentiation trajectories. Here, we find a member of the Onecut TF family, ONECUT3, expressed in postmitotic neurons that leave their Ascl1+/Onecut1/2+ proliferative domain in the vertebrate hypothalamus to instruct neuronal differentiation. We combined single-cell RNA-seq and gain-of-function experiments for gene network reconstruction to show that ONECUT3 affects the polarization and morphogenesis of both hypothalamic GABA-derived dopamine and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)+ glutamate neurons through neuron navigator-2 (NAV2). In vivo, siRNA-mediated knockdown of ONECUT3 in neonatal mice reduced NAV2 mRNA, as well as neurite complexity in Onecut3-containing neurons, while genetic deletion of Onecut3/ceh-48 in C. elegans impaired neurocircuit wiring, and sensory discrimination-based behaviors. Thus, ONECUT3, conserved across neuronal subtypes and many species, underpins the polarization and morphological plasticity of phenotypically distinct neurons that descend from a common pool of Ascl1+ progenitors in the hypothalamus.
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Nature Communications
Springer Nature
The authors thank Z. Máté, G. Szabó, and F. Erdélyi for the custom generation of transgenic mouse lines, C. Fekete for Trh transgenic tissues (all from the Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary), A. Goudmaeker for IVF recovery of a frozen mouse line (SSS animal facility, Université catholique de Louvain), and Y. Yanagawa (Department of Genetic and Behavioral Neuroscience, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, Maebashi, Japan) for providing GAD67gfp/+ mice. We also thank S. Cloer, D. Preininger, and A. Weissenbacher (Tiergarten Schönbrunn, Vienna, Austria) for providing naked mole rats, Seba’s fruit bats, and Indian flying foxes, as well as F. Aujard (CNRS, UMR 7179 ‘Adaptive mechanisms and evolution’, France) for Microcebus tissues. I. Milenkovic and G.G. Kovács (Clinical Institute of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria) are acknowledged for providing post-mortem human brain samples. We are indebted to S. Rehman (Medical University of Vienna), M. Kalusa (University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany), and W. Reimann (Paul Flechsig Institute for Brain Research, Leipzig, Germany) for their technical assistance. C. elegans strains were provided by the National Bioresource Project for the nematode, Japan, and the CGC, with the latter being funded by the NIH Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (P40 OD010440). This work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF, P 34121-B; to E.K.), the Swedish Research Council (2023-03058, T.Ha; 2020-01688, T.Hö.), the Swedish Brain Foundation (Hjärnfonden, FO2022-0300, to T.Ha.), the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF23OC0084476, to T.Ha.), the European Research Council (FOODFORLIFE, ERC-2020-AdG-101021016; to T.Ha.), the Université Catholique de Louvain (‘Fonds spéciaux de recherche’-FSR, to F.C.), and Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique F.R.S.-FNRS (‘Project de recherche (PDR)’ #T.0039.21, to F.C.). S.J.E. is supported by the Simons Foundation #543069. I.L. is supported by a post-doctoral fellowship from the Human Frontiers Science Program (LT000335/2020-L). E.R. holds a PhD grant from the FRIA (F.R.S.-FNRS, Belgium). F.C. is a Research Director of the F.R.S.-FNRS (Belgium). Open access funding provided by Karolinska Institute.
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Zupančič M, Keimpema E, Tretiakov EO, et al. Concerted transcriptional regulation of the morphogenesis of hypothalamic neurons by ONECUT3. Nature Communications. 2024;15. doi:10.1038/s41467-024-52762-z
Zupančič, M., Keimpema, E., Tretiakov, E. O., Eder, S. J., Lev, I., Englmaier, L., … Harkany, T. (2024). Concerted transcriptional regulation of the morphogenesis of hypothalamic neurons by ONECUT3. Nature Communications. Springer Nature.
Zupančič, Maja, Erik Keimpema, Evgenii O. Tretiakov, Stephanie J. Eder, Itamar Lev, Lukas Englmaier, Pradeep Bhandari, et al. “Concerted Transcriptional Regulation of the Morphogenesis of Hypothalamic Neurons by ONECUT3.” Nature Communications. Springer Nature, 2024.
M. Zupančič et al., “Concerted transcriptional regulation of the morphogenesis of hypothalamic neurons by ONECUT3,” Nature Communications, vol. 15. Springer Nature, 2024.
Zupančič M, Keimpema E, Tretiakov EO, Eder SJ, Lev I, Englmaier L, Bhandari P, Fietz SA, Härtig W, Renaux E, Villunger A, Hökfelt T, Zimmer M, Clotman F, Harkany T. 2024. Concerted transcriptional regulation of the morphogenesis of hypothalamic neurons by ONECUT3. Nature Communications. 15, 8631.
Zupančič, Maja, et al. “Concerted Transcriptional Regulation of the Morphogenesis of Hypothalamic Neurons by ONECUT3.” Nature Communications, vol. 15, 8631, Springer Nature, 2024, doi:10.1038/s41467-024-52762-z.
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