Mathematica notebook and Fortran code for 'Effect of assortative mating and sexual selection on polygenic barriers to gene flow'

Surendranadh P, Sachdeva H. 2025. Mathematica notebook and Fortran code for ‘Effect of assortative mating and sexual selection on polygenic barriers to gene flow’, Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 10.15479/AT:ISTA:17344.

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Surendranadh, ParvathyISTA ; Sachdeva, Himani

Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation

This file contains the code associated with the manuscript 'Effect of assortative mating and sexual selection on polygenic barriers to gene flow'.
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Institute of Science and Technology Austria
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Surendranadh P, Sachdeva H. Mathematica notebook and Fortran code for “Effect of assortative mating and sexual selection on polygenic barriers to gene flow.” 2025. doi:10.15479/AT:ISTA:17344
Surendranadh, P., & Sachdeva, H. (2025). Mathematica notebook and Fortran code for “Effect of assortative mating and sexual selection on polygenic barriers to gene flow.” Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
Surendranadh, Parvathy, and Himani Sachdeva. “Mathematica Notebook and Fortran Code for ‘Effect of Assortative Mating and Sexual Selection on Polygenic Barriers to Gene Flow.’” Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2025.
P. Surendranadh and H. Sachdeva, “Mathematica notebook and Fortran code for ‘Effect of assortative mating and sexual selection on polygenic barriers to gene flow.’” Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2025.
Surendranadh P, Sachdeva H. 2025. Mathematica notebook and Fortran code for ‘Effect of assortative mating and sexual selection on polygenic barriers to gene flow’, Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 10.15479/AT:ISTA:17344.
Surendranadh, Parvathy, and Himani Sachdeva. Mathematica Notebook and Fortran Code for “Effect of Assortative Mating and Sexual Selection on Polygenic Barriers to Gene Flow.” Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2025, doi:10.15479/AT:ISTA:17344.
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