Exchange anisotropies in microwave-driven singlet-triplet qubits
Saez Mollejo J, Jirovec D, Schell YA, Kukucka J, Calcaterra S, Chrastina D, Isella G, Rimbach-Russ M, Bosco S, Katsaros G. Exchange anisotropies in microwave-driven singlet-triplet qubits. arXiv, 2408.03224.
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Saez Mollejo, JaimeISTA;
Jirovec, DanielISTA
Schell, Yona AISTA;
Kukucka, JosipISTA;
Calcaterra, Stefano;
Chrastina, Daniel;
Isella, Giovanni;
Rimbach-Russ, Maximilian;
Bosco, Stefano;
Katsaros, GeorgiosISTA 

Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation
Hole spin qubits are rapidly emerging as the workhorse of semiconducting quantum processors because of their large spin-orbit interaction, enabling fast all-electric operations at low power. However, spin-orbit interaction also causes non-uniformities in devices, resulting in locally varying qubit energies and site-dependent anisotropies. While these anisotropies can be used to drive single-spins, if not properly harnessed, they can hinder the path toward large-scale quantum processors. Here, we report on microwave-driven singlet-triplet qubits in planar germanium and use them to investigate the anisotropy of two spins in a double quantum dot. We show two distinct operating regimes depending on the magnetic field direction. For in-plane fields, the two spins are largely anisotropic, and electrically tunable, which enables to measure all the available transitions; coherence times exceeding 3 $\mu$s are extracted. For out-of-plane fields, they have an isotropic response but preserve the substantial energy difference required to address the singlet-triplet qubit. Even in this field direction, where the qubit lifetime
is strongly affected by nuclear spins, we find 400 ns coherence times. Our work adds a valuable tool to investigate and harness the anisotropy of spin qubits and can be implemented in any large-scale NxN device, facilitating the path towards scalable quantum processors.
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We thank A. Crippa for helpful discussions. This research was supported by the Scientific Service Units of ISTA through resources provided by the MIBA Machine Shop and the Nanofabrication facility. This research and related results were made possible with the support of the NOMIS Foundation, the HORIZON-RIA 101069515 project and the FWF Projects with DOI:10.55776/F86 and DOI:10.55776/I5060. M.R.-R. acknowledges support from the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO) under Veni grant VI.Veni.212.223. The
Research of S.B. and M.R.-R. was sponsored in part by the Army Research Office and was accomplished under Award Number: W911NF-23-1-0110. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the Army Research Office or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation herein.
Acknowledged SSUs
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Saez Mollejo J, Jirovec D, Schell YA, et al. Exchange anisotropies in microwave-driven singlet-triplet qubits. arXiv. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2408.03224
Saez Mollejo, J., Jirovec, D., Schell, Y. A., Kukucka, J., Calcaterra, S., Chrastina, D., … Katsaros, G. (n.d.). Exchange anisotropies in microwave-driven singlet-triplet qubits. arXiv.
Saez Mollejo, Jaime, Daniel Jirovec, Yona A Schell, Josip Kukucka, Stefano Calcaterra, Daniel Chrastina, Giovanni Isella, Maximilian Rimbach-Russ, Stefano Bosco, and Georgios Katsaros. “Exchange Anisotropies in Microwave-Driven Singlet-Triplet Qubits.” ArXiv, n.d.
J. Saez Mollejo et al., “Exchange anisotropies in microwave-driven singlet-triplet qubits,” arXiv. .
Saez Mollejo J, Jirovec D, Schell YA, Kukucka J, Calcaterra S, Chrastina D, Isella G, Rimbach-Russ M, Bosco S, Katsaros G. Exchange anisotropies in microwave-driven singlet-triplet qubits. arXiv, 2408.03224.
Saez Mollejo, Jaime, et al. “Exchange Anisotropies in Microwave-Driven Singlet-Triplet Qubits.” ArXiv, 2408.03224, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2408.03224.
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arXiv 2408.03224