Gradient estimates and domain identification for analytic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators
Maas J, Van Neerven J. 2011.Gradient estimates and domain identification for analytic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators. In: Parabolic Problems. vol. 80, 463–477.
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Maas, JanISTA
Van Neerven, Jan

Let P be the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup associated with the stochastic Cauchy problem dU(t)=AU(t)dt+dWH(t), where A is the generator of a C 0-semigroup S on a Banach space E, H is a Hilbert subspace of E, and W H is an H-cylindrical Brownian motion. Assuming that S restricts to a C 0-semigroup on H, we obtain L p -bounds for D H P(t). We show that if P is analytic, then the invariance assumption is fulfilled. As an application we determine the L p -domain of the generator of P explicitly in the case where S restricts to a C 0-semigroup on H which is similar to an analytic contraction semigroup. The results are applied to the 1D stochastic heat equation driven by additive space-time white noise.
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Parabolic Problems
The authors are supported by VIDI subsidy 639.032.201 (JM) and VICI subsidy 639.033.604 (JvN) of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
463 - 477
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Maas J, Van Neerven J. Gradient estimates and domain identification for analytic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators. In: Parabolic Problems. Vol 80. Birkhäuser; 2011:463-477. doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-0075-4_24
Maas, J., & Van Neerven, J. (2011). Gradient estimates and domain identification for analytic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators. In Parabolic Problems (Vol. 80, pp. 463–477). Birkhäuser.
Maas, Jan, and Jan Van Neerven. “Gradient Estimates and Domain Identification for Analytic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Operators.” In Parabolic Problems, 80:463–77. Birkhäuser, 2011.
J. Maas and J. Van Neerven, “Gradient estimates and domain identification for analytic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators,” in Parabolic Problems, vol. 80, Birkhäuser, 2011, pp. 463–477.
Maas J, Van Neerven J. 2011.Gradient estimates and domain identification for analytic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators. In: Parabolic Problems. vol. 80, 463–477.
Maas, Jan, and Jan Van Neerven. “Gradient Estimates and Domain Identification for Analytic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Operators.” Parabolic Problems, vol. 80, Birkhäuser, 2011, pp. 463–77, doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-0075-4_24.
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