Decision procedures for automating termination proofs
Piskac R, Wies T. 2011. Decision procedures for automating termination proofs. VMCAI: Verification Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation, LNCS, vol. 6538, 371–386.
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Conference Paper
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| English
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Piskac, Ruzica;
Wies, ThomasISTA
Jhala, Ranjit;
Schmidt, David
Series Title
Automated termination provers often use the following schema to prove that a program terminates: construct a relational abstraction of the program's transition relation and then show that the relational abstraction is well-founded. The focus of current tools has been on developing sophisticated techniques for constructing the abstractions while relying on known decidable logics (such as linear arithmetic) to express them. We believe we can significantly increase the class of programs that are amenable to automated termination proofs by identifying more expressive decidable logics for reasoning about well-founded relations. We therefore present a new decision procedure for reasoning about multiset orderings, which are among the most powerful orderings used to prove termination. We show that, using our decision procedure, one can automatically prove termination of natural abstractions of programs.
Publishing Year
Date Published
371 - 386
VMCAI: Verification Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation
Conference Location
Texas, USA
Conference Date
2011-01-23 – 2011-01-25
Cite this
Piskac R, Wies T. Decision procedures for automating termination proofs. In: Jhala R, Schmidt D, eds. Vol 6538. Springer; 2011:371-386. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-18275-4_26
Piskac, R., & Wies, T. (2011). Decision procedures for automating termination proofs. In R. Jhala & D. Schmidt (Eds.) (Vol. 6538, pp. 371–386). Presented at the VMCAI: Verification Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation, Texas, USA: Springer.
Piskac, Ruzica, and Thomas Wies. “Decision Procedures for Automating Termination Proofs.” edited by Ranjit Jhala and David Schmidt, 6538:371–86. Springer, 2011.
R. Piskac and T. Wies, “Decision procedures for automating termination proofs,” presented at the VMCAI: Verification Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation, Texas, USA, 2011, vol. 6538, pp. 371–386.
Piskac R, Wies T. 2011. Decision procedures for automating termination proofs. VMCAI: Verification Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation, LNCS, vol. 6538, 371–386.
Piskac, Ruzica, and Thomas Wies. Decision Procedures for Automating Termination Proofs. Edited by Ranjit Jhala and David Schmidt, vol. 6538, Springer, 2011, pp. 371–86, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-18275-4_26.
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