The value 1 problem for concurrent mean-payoff games
Chatterjee K, Ibsen-Jensen R. 2014. The value 1 problem for concurrent mean-payoff games, IST Austria, 49p.
Technical Report
| Published
| English
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IST Austria Technical Report
We consider concurrent mean-payoff games, a very well-studied class of two-player (player 1 vs player 2) zero-sum games on finite-state graphs where every transition is assigned a reward between 0 and 1, and the payoff function is the long-run average of the rewards. The value is the maximal expected payoff that player 1 can guarantee against all strategies of player 2. We consider the computation of the set of states with value 1 under finite-memory strategies for player 1, and our main results for the problem are as follows: (1) we present a polynomial-time algorithm; (2) we show that whenever there is a finite-memory strategy, there is a stationary strategy that does not need memory at all; and (3) we present an optimal bound (which is double exponential) on the patience of stationary strategies (where patience of a distribution is the inverse of the smallest positive probability and represents a complexity measure of a stationary strategy).
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IST Austria
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Chatterjee K, Ibsen-Jensen R. The Value 1 Problem for Concurrent Mean-Payoff Games. IST Austria; 2014. doi:10.15479/AT:IST-2014-191-v1-1
Chatterjee, K., & Ibsen-Jensen, R. (2014). The value 1 problem for concurrent mean-payoff games. IST Austria.
Chatterjee, Krishnendu, and Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen. The Value 1 Problem for Concurrent Mean-Payoff Games. IST Austria, 2014.
K. Chatterjee and R. Ibsen-Jensen, The value 1 problem for concurrent mean-payoff games. IST Austria, 2014.
Chatterjee K, Ibsen-Jensen R. 2014. The value 1 problem for concurrent mean-payoff games, IST Austria, 49p.
Chatterjee, Krishnendu, and Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen. The Value 1 Problem for Concurrent Mean-Payoff Games. IST Austria, 2014, doi:10.15479/AT:IST-2014-191-v1-1.
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