Effects of B vitamins overload on plasma insulin level and hydrogen peroxide generation in rats

Sun W, Zhai M-Z, Zhou Q, Qian C, Jiang C. 2017. Effects of B vitamins overload on plasma insulin level and hydrogen peroxide generation in rats. Chinese Journal of Physiology. 60(4), 207–214.

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Journal Article | Published | English

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Sun, Wuping; Zhai, Ming-ZhuISTA; Zhou, Qian; Qian, Chengrui; Jiang, Changyu
It has been reported that nicotinamide-overload induces oxidative stress associated with insulin resistance, the key feature of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). This study aimed to investigate the effects of B vitamins in T2DM. Glucose tolerance tests (GTT) were carried out in adult Sprague-Dawley rats treated with or without cumulative doses of B vitamins. More specifically, insulin tolerance tests (ITT) were also carried out in adult Sprague-Dawley rats treated with or without cumulative doses of Vitamin B3. We found that cumulative Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B3 administration significantly increased the plasma H2O2 levels associated with high insulin levels. Only Vitamin B3 reduced muscular and hepatic glycogen contents. Cumulative administration of nicotinic acid, another form of Vitamin B3, also significantly increased plasma insulin level and H2O2 generation. Moreover, cumulative administration of nicotinic acid or nicotinamide impaired glucose metabolism. This study suggested that excess Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B3 caused oxidative stress and insulin resistance.
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Chinese Journal of Physiology
Chinese Physiological Society
207 - 214

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Sun W, Zhai M-Z, Zhou Q, Qian C, Jiang C. Effects of B vitamins overload on plasma insulin level and hydrogen peroxide generation in rats. Chinese Journal of Physiology. 2017;60(4):207-214. doi:10.4077/CJP.2017.BAF469
Sun, W., Zhai, M.-Z., Zhou, Q., Qian, C., & Jiang, C. (2017). Effects of B vitamins overload on plasma insulin level and hydrogen peroxide generation in rats. Chinese Journal of Physiology. Chinese Physiological Society. https://doi.org/10.4077/CJP.2017.BAF469
Sun, Wuping, Ming-Zhu Zhai, Qian Zhou, Chengrui Qian, and Changyu Jiang. “Effects of B Vitamins Overload on Plasma Insulin Level and Hydrogen Peroxide Generation in Rats.” Chinese Journal of Physiology. Chinese Physiological Society, 2017. https://doi.org/10.4077/CJP.2017.BAF469.
W. Sun, M.-Z. Zhai, Q. Zhou, C. Qian, and C. Jiang, “Effects of B vitamins overload on plasma insulin level and hydrogen peroxide generation in rats,” Chinese Journal of Physiology, vol. 60, no. 4. Chinese Physiological Society, pp. 207–214, 2017.
Sun W, Zhai M-Z, Zhou Q, Qian C, Jiang C. 2017. Effects of B vitamins overload on plasma insulin level and hydrogen peroxide generation in rats. Chinese Journal of Physiology. 60(4), 207–214.
Sun, Wuping, et al. “Effects of B Vitamins Overload on Plasma Insulin Level and Hydrogen Peroxide Generation in Rats.” Chinese Journal of Physiology, vol. 60, no. 4, Chinese Physiological Society, 2017, pp. 207–14, doi:10.4077/CJP.2017.BAF469.


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