Cellular locomotion using environmental topography
Reversat A, Gärtner FR, Merrin J, Stopp JA, Tasciyan S, Aguilera Servin JL, de Vries I, Hauschild R, Hons M, Piel M, Callan-Jones A, Voituriez R, Sixt MK. 2020. Cellular locomotion using environmental topography. Nature. 582, 582–585.
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Journal Article
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Reversat, AnneISTA
Gaertner, FlorianISTA
Merrin, JackISTA
Stopp, Julian AISTA;
Tasciyan, SarenISTA
Aguilera Servin, Juan LISTA
de Vries, IngridISTA;
Hauschild, RobertISTA
Hons, MiroslavISTA
Piel, Matthieu;
Callan-Jones, Andrew;
Voituriez, Raphael

Eukaryotic cells migrate by coupling the intracellular force of the actin cytoskeleton to the environment. While force coupling is usually mediated by transmembrane adhesion receptors, especially those of the integrin family, amoeboid cells such as leukocytes can migrate extremely fast despite very low adhesive forces1. Here we show that leukocytes cannot only migrate under low adhesion but can also transmit forces in the complete absence of transmembrane force coupling. When confined within three-dimensional environments, they use the topographical features of the substrate to propel themselves. Here the retrograde flow of the actin cytoskeleton follows the texture of the substrate, creating retrograde shear forces that are sufficient to drive the cell body forwards. Notably, adhesion-dependent and adhesion-independent migration are not mutually exclusive, but rather are variants of the same principle of coupling retrograde actin flow to the environment and thus can potentially operate interchangeably and simultaneously. As adhesion-free migration is independent of the chemical composition of the environment, it renders cells completely autonomous in their locomotive behaviour.
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Springer Nature
We thank A. Leithner and J. Renkawitz for discussion and critical reading of the manuscript; J. Schwarz and M. Mehling for establishing the microfluidic setups; the Bioimaging Facility of IST Austria for excellent support, as well as the Life Science Facility and the Miba Machine Shop of IST Austria; and F. N. Arslan, L. E. Burnett and L. Li for their work during their rotation in the IST PhD programme. This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC StG 281556 and CoG 724373) to M.S. and grants from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF P29911) and the WWTF to M.S. M.H. was supported by the European Regional Development Fund Project (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000476). F.G. received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 747687.
Acknowledged SSUs
Cite this
Reversat A, Gärtner FR, Merrin J, et al. Cellular locomotion using environmental topography. Nature. 2020;582:582–585. doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2283-z
Reversat, A., Gärtner, F. R., Merrin, J., Stopp, J. A., Tasciyan, S., Aguilera Servin, J. L., … Sixt, M. K. (2020). Cellular locomotion using environmental topography. Nature. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2283-z
Reversat, Anne, Florian R Gärtner, Jack Merrin, Julian A Stopp, Saren Tasciyan, Juan L Aguilera Servin, Ingrid de Vries, et al. “Cellular Locomotion Using Environmental Topography.” Nature. Springer Nature, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2283-z.
A. Reversat et al., “Cellular locomotion using environmental topography,” Nature, vol. 582. Springer Nature, pp. 582–585, 2020.
Reversat A, Gärtner FR, Merrin J, Stopp JA, Tasciyan S, Aguilera Servin JL, de Vries I, Hauschild R, Hons M, Piel M, Callan-Jones A, Voituriez R, Sixt MK. 2020. Cellular locomotion using environmental topography. Nature. 582, 582–585.
Reversat, Anne, et al. “Cellular Locomotion Using Environmental Topography.” Nature, vol. 582, Springer Nature, 2020, pp. 582–585, doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2283-z.
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