Implementation of a hole spin qubit in Ge hut wires and dispersive spin sensing
Kukucka J. 2020. Implementation of a hole spin qubit in Ge hut wires and dispersive spin sensing. Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
| PhD
| Published
| English
Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation
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ISTA Thesis
Quantum computation enables the execution of algorithms that have exponential complexity. This might open the path towards the synthesis of new materials or medical drugs, optimization of transport or financial strategies etc., intractable on even the fastest classical computers. A quantum computer consists of interconnected two level quantum systems, called qubits, that satisfy DiVincezo’s criteria. Worldwide, there are ongoing efforts to find the qubit architecture which will unite quantum error correction compatible single and two qubit fidelities, long distance qubit to qubit coupling and
calability. Superconducting qubits have gone the furthest in this race, demonstrating an algorithm running on 53 coupled qubits, but still the fidelities are not even close to those required for realizing a single logical qubit. emiconductor qubits offer extremely good characteristics, but they are currently investigated across different platforms. Uniting those good characteristics into a single platform might be a big step towards the quantum computer realization.
Here we describe the implementation of a hole spin qubit hosted in a Ge hut wire double quantum dot. The high and tunable spin-orbit coupling together with a heavy hole state character is expected to allow fast spin manipulation and long coherence times. Furthermore large lever arms, for hut wire devices, should allow good coupling to superconducting resonators enabling efficient long distance spin to spin coupling and a sensitive gate reflectometry spin readout. The developed cryogenic setup (printed circuit board sample holders, filtering, high-frequency wiring) enabled us to perform low temperature spin dynamics experiments. Indeed, we measured the fastest single spin qubit Rabi frequencies reported so far, reaching 140 MHz, while the dephasing times of 130 ns oppose the long decoherence predictions. In order to further investigate this, a double quantum dot gate was connected directly to a lumped element
resonator which enabled gate reflectometry readout. The vanishing inter-dot transition signal, for increasing external magnetic field, revealed the spin nature of the measured quantity.
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Institute of Science and Technology Austria
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Kukucka J. Implementation of a hole spin qubit in Ge hut wires and dispersive spin sensing. 2020. doi:10.15479/AT:ISTA:7996
Kukucka, J. (2020). Implementation of a hole spin qubit in Ge hut wires and dispersive spin sensing. Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
Kukucka, Josip. “Implementation of a Hole Spin Qubit in Ge Hut Wires and Dispersive Spin Sensing.” Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2020.
J. Kukucka, “Implementation of a hole spin qubit in Ge hut wires and dispersive spin sensing,” Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2020.
Kukucka J. 2020. Implementation of a hole spin qubit in Ge hut wires and dispersive spin sensing. Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
Kukucka, Josip. Implementation of a Hole Spin Qubit in Ge Hut Wires and Dispersive Spin Sensing. Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2020, doi:10.15479/AT:ISTA:7996.
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