Fast hole tunneling times in germanium hut wires probed by single-shot reflectometry
Vukušić L, Kukucka J, Watzinger H, Katsaros G. 2017. Fast hole tunneling times in germanium hut wires probed by single-shot reflectometry. Nano Letters. 17(9), 5706–5710.
Journal Article
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| English
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Heavy holes confined in quantum dots are predicted to be promising candidates for the realization of spin qubits with long coherence times. Here we focus on such heavy-hole states confined in germanium hut wires. By tuning the growth density of the latter we can realize a T-like structure between two neighboring wires. Such a structure allows the realization of a charge sensor, which is electrostatically and tunnel coupled to a quantum dot, with charge-transfer signals as high as 0.3 e. By integrating the T-like structure into a radiofrequency reflectometry setup, single-shot measurements allowing the extraction of hole tunneling times are performed. The extracted tunneling times of less than 10 μs are attributed to the small effective mass of Ge heavy-hole states and pave the way toward projective spin readout measurements.
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Nano Letters
American Chemical Society
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5706 - 5710
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Vukušić L, Kukucka J, Watzinger H, Katsaros G. Fast hole tunneling times in germanium hut wires probed by single-shot reflectometry. Nano Letters. 2017;17(9):5706-5710. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b02627
Vukušić, L., Kukucka, J., Watzinger, H., & Katsaros, G. (2017). Fast hole tunneling times in germanium hut wires probed by single-shot reflectometry. Nano Letters. American Chemical Society.
Vukušić, Lada, Josip Kukucka, Hannes Watzinger, and Georgios Katsaros. “Fast Hole Tunneling Times in Germanium Hut Wires Probed by Single-Shot Reflectometry.” Nano Letters. American Chemical Society, 2017.
L. Vukušić, J. Kukucka, H. Watzinger, and G. Katsaros, “Fast hole tunneling times in germanium hut wires probed by single-shot reflectometry,” Nano Letters, vol. 17, no. 9. American Chemical Society, pp. 5706–5710, 2017.
Vukušić L, Kukucka J, Watzinger H, Katsaros G. 2017. Fast hole tunneling times in germanium hut wires probed by single-shot reflectometry. Nano Letters. 17(9), 5706–5710.
Vukušić, Lada, et al. “Fast Hole Tunneling Times in Germanium Hut Wires Probed by Single-Shot Reflectometry.” Nano Letters, vol. 17, no. 9, American Chemical Society, 2017, pp. 5706–10, doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b02627.
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