High specific capacitance supercapacitors from hierarchically organized all-cellulose composites
Hobisch MA, Mourad E, Fischer WJ, Prehal C, Eyley S, Childress A, Zankel A, Mautner A, Breitenbach S, Rao AM, Thielemans W, Freunberger SA, Eckhart R, Bauer W, Spirk S. High specific capacitance supercapacitors from hierarchically organized all-cellulose composites.
| Submitted
| English
Hobisch, Mathias A. ;
Mourad, Eléonore ;
Fischer, Wolfgang J. ;
Prehal, Christian ;
Eyley, Samuel ;
Childress, Anthony ;
Zankel, Armin ;
Mautner, Andreas ;
Breitenbach, Stefan ;
Rao, Apparao M. ;
Thielemans, Wim ;
Freunberger, Stefan AlexanderISTA

Here, we employ micro- and nanosized cellulose particles, namely paper fines and cellulose
nanocrystals, to induce hierarchical organization over a wide length scale. After processing
them into carbonaceous materials, we demonstrate that these hierarchically organized materials
outperform the best materials for supercapacitors operating with organic electrolytes reported
in literature in terms of specific energy/power (Ragone plot) while showing hardly any capacity
fade over 4,000 cycles. The highly porous materials feature a specific surface area as high as
2500 m2ˑg-1 and exhibit pore sizes in the range of 0.5 to 200 nm as proven by scanning electron
microscopy and N2 physisorption. The carbonaceous materials have been further investigated
by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and RAMAN spectroscopy. Since paper fines are an
underutilized side stream in any paper production process, they are a cheap and highly available
feedstock to prepare carbonaceous materials with outstanding performance in electrochemical
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Date Published
The authors M.A.H., S.S., R.E., and W.B. acknowledge the industrial partners Sappi Gratkorn, Zellstoff Pöls and Mondi Frantschach, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), COMET, BMVIT, BMWFJ, the Province of Styria and Carinthia for their financial support of the K-project Flippr²-Process Integration. E.M. and S.A.F. are indebted to the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 636069). W. T. and S. E. thank FWO (G.0C60.13N) and the European Union’s European Fund for Regional Development and Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Accelerate3 project, Interreg Vlaanderen-Nederland program) for financial support. W. T. also thanks the Provincie West-Vlaanderen (Belgium) for his Provincial Chair in Advanced Materials. S. B. thanks the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE) and the province of Upper Austria for financial support through the program IWB 2014-2020 (project BioCarb-K). AMR gratefully acknowledges funding support through the SC EPSCoR/IDeAProgram under Award #18-SR03, and the NASA EPSCoR Program under Award #NNH17ZHA002C. Icons in Scheme 1 were provided by Good Ware, monkik, photo3idea_studio, and OCHA from www.flaticon.com.
Cite this
Hobisch MA, Mourad E, Fischer WJ, et al. High specific capacitance supercapacitors from hierarchically organized all-cellulose composites.
Hobisch, M. A., Mourad, E., Fischer, W. J., Prehal, C., Eyley, S., Childress, A., … Spirk, S. (n.d.). High specific capacitance supercapacitors from hierarchically organized all-cellulose composites.
Hobisch, Mathias A. , Eléonore Mourad, Wolfgang J. Fischer, Christian Prehal, Samuel Eyley, Anthony Childress, Armin Zankel, et al. “High Specific Capacitance Supercapacitors from Hierarchically Organized All-Cellulose Composites,” n.d.
M. A. Hobisch et al., “High specific capacitance supercapacitors from hierarchically organized all-cellulose composites.” .
Hobisch MA, Mourad E, Fischer WJ, Prehal C, Eyley S, Childress A, Zankel A, Mautner A, Breitenbach S, Rao AM, Thielemans W, Freunberger SA, Eckhart R, Bauer W, Spirk S. High specific capacitance supercapacitors from hierarchically organized all-cellulose composites.
Hobisch, Mathias A., et al. High Specific Capacitance Supercapacitors from Hierarchically Organized All-Cellulose Composites.
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