Shape of a sound wave in a weakly-perturbed Bose gas
Marchukov O, Volosniev A. 2021. Shape of a sound wave in a weakly-perturbed Bose gas. SciPost Physics. 10(2), 025.
Journal Article
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| English
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Marchukov, Oleksandr;
Volosniev, ArtemISTA 

We employ the Gross-Pitaevskii equation to study acoustic emission generated in a uniform Bose gas by a static impurity. The impurity excites a sound-wave packet, which propagates through the gas. We calculate the shape of this wave packet in the limit of long wave lengths, and argue that it is possible to extract properties of the impurity by observing this shape. We illustrate here this possibility for a Bose gas with a trapped impurity atom -- an example of a relevant experimental setup. Presented results are general for all one-dimensional systems described by the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and can also be used in nonatomic systems, e.g., to analyze light propagation in nonlinear optical media. Finally, we calculate the shape of the sound-wave packet for a three-dimensional Bose gas assuming a spherically symmetric perturbation.
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SciPost Physics
SciPost Foundation
We acknowledge fruitful discussions with Dr. Simos Mistakidis regarding beyond mean-field
effects in our system. We also thank Prof. Maxim Olshanii for valuable suggestions to improve
the manuscript.O.V.M acknowledges the support from the National Science Foundation
through grants No. PHY-1402249, No. PHY-1607221, and No. PHY-1912542 and the
Binational (US-Israel) Science Foundation through grant No. 2015616, as well as by the Israel
Science Foundation (grant No. 1287/17) and from the German Aeronautics and Space Administration
(DLR) through Grant No. 50WM1957. This work has also received funding from
the DFG Project No.413495248 [VO 2437/1-1] and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 754411
(A. G. V.)
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Marchukov O, Volosniev A. Shape of a sound wave in a weakly-perturbed Bose gas. SciPost Physics. 2021;10(2). doi:10.21468/scipostphys.10.2.025
Marchukov, O., & Volosniev, A. (2021). Shape of a sound wave in a weakly-perturbed Bose gas. SciPost Physics. SciPost Foundation.
Marchukov, Oleksandr, and Artem Volosniev. “Shape of a Sound Wave in a Weakly-Perturbed Bose Gas.” SciPost Physics. SciPost Foundation, 2021.
O. Marchukov and A. Volosniev, “Shape of a sound wave in a weakly-perturbed Bose gas,” SciPost Physics, vol. 10, no. 2. SciPost Foundation, 2021.
Marchukov O, Volosniev A. 2021. Shape of a sound wave in a weakly-perturbed Bose gas. SciPost Physics. 10(2), 025.
Marchukov, Oleksandr, and Artem Volosniev. “Shape of a Sound Wave in a Weakly-Perturbed Bose Gas.” SciPost Physics, vol. 10, no. 2, 025, SciPost Foundation, 2021, doi:10.21468/scipostphys.10.2.025.
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arXiv 2004.08075