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17 Grants

LGI1 antibody-induced pathophysiology in synapses

2020-01-01 – 2022-12-31

In situ analysis of single channel subunit composition in neurons: physiological implication in synaptic plasticity and behaviour (SINCHAIS)

2016-07-01 – 2021-06-30

Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 1 (HBP SGA 1) (HBP SGA1)

2016-04-01 – 2018-03-31

Localization of ion channels and receptors by two and three-dimensional immunoelectron microscopic approaches (LOCHARECEM)

2014-04-01 – 2016-03-31

High resolution tagging for ion channels in neural membrane

2014-07-01 – 2016-06-30

Anatomical and Functional Properties of Auditory Nerve Synapses

2014-03-01 – 2015-02-28

Anatomical and Functional Properties of Auditory Nerve Synapses

2015-03-01 – 2016-02-29

Mechanism of formation and maintenance of input side-dependent asymmetry in the hippocampus

2016-01-01 – 2018-12-31

Anatomical and Functional Properties of Auditory Nerve Synapses

2017-03-01 – 2018-02-28

Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 2 (HBP SGA 2) (HBP SGA2)

2018-04-01 – 2020-03-31

Ultrastructural analysis of phosphoinositides in nerve terminals: distribution, dynamics and physiological roles in synaptic transmission (ALPINE)

2018-04-01 – 2020-03-31

Plasticity in the cerebellum: Which molecular mechanisms are behind physiological learning?

2018-09-01 – 2021-08-31

Recombinant Immunolabels for Nanoprecise Brain Mapping Across Scales

2018-09-30 – 2024-06-30

Novel model systems for studying the role of calcium channel subunits in brain disorders

RyShigemoto Small Third Party Funds

LGI1 antibody-induced pathophysiology in synapses

Structural & functional basis of presynaptic plasticity (PLASTICAZ)

2023-01-01 – 2025-12-31


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