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231 Publications
2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 9330 |

Schöpf CL, Ablinger C, Geisler SM, Stanika RI, Campiglio M, Kaufmann W, Nimmervoll B, Schlick B, Brockhaus J, Missler M, Shigemoto R, Obermair GJ. 2021. Presynaptic α2δ subunits are key organizers of glutamatergic synapses. PNAS. 118(14).
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2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 9334 |

Duan J, Álvarez-Pérez G, Voronin KV, Prieto Gonzalez I, Taboada-Gutiérrez J, Volkov VS, Martín-Sánchez J, Nikitin AY, Alonso-González P. 2021. Enabling propagation of anisotropic polaritons along forbidden directions via a topological transition. Science Advances. 7(14), eabf2690.
[Published Version]
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| PubMed | Europe PMC
2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 9361 |

Gast M, Kadzioch NP, Milius D, Origgi F, Plattet P. 2021. Oligomerization and cell egress controlled by two microdomains of canine distemper virus matrix protein. mSphere. 6(2), e01024-20.
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2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 9363 |

Inglés Prieto Á, Furthmann N, Crossman SH, Tichy AM, Hoyer N, Petersen M, Zheden V, Bicher J, Gschaider-Reichhart E, György A, Siekhaus DE, Soba P, Winklhofer KF, Janovjak HL. 2021. Optogenetic delivery of trophic signals in a genetic model of Parkinson’s disease. PLoS genetics. 17(4), e1009479.
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2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 10836 |

Pranger CL, Singer J, Köhler VK, Pali‐Schöll I, Fiocchi A, Karagiannis SN, Zenarruzabeitia O, Borrego F, Jensen‐Jarolim E. 2021. PIPE‐cloned human IgE and IgG4 antibodies: New tools for investigating cow’s milk allergy and tolerance. Allergy. 76(5), 1553–1556.
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2021 | Published | Conference Abstract | IST-REx-ID: 12909 |

Schlögl A, Elefante S, Hornoiu A, Stadlbauer S. 2021. Managing software on a heterogenous HPC cluster. ASHPC21 – Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2021. ASHPC - Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting, 5.
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2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 15260 |

Cimada daSilva J, Balazs D, Dunbar TA, Hanrath T. 2021. Fundamental processes and practical considerations of lead chalcogenide mesocrystals formed via self-assembly and directed attachment of nanocrystals at a fluid interface. Chemistry of Materials. 33(24), 9457–9472.
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2021 | Published | Conference Abstract | IST-REx-ID: 15280 |

Balazs D, Cimada da Silva J, Dunbar T, Ibáñez M, Hanrath T. 2021. Controlled reactive assembly of colloidal nanocrystal superlattices: Mechanism and kinetics. Proceedings of the Internet NanoGe Conference on Nanocrystals. iNCNC: Internet nanoGe Conference on Nanocrystals, 050.
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2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 15285 |

Rubel P, Fayn J, Macfarlane PW, Pani D, Schlögl A, Värri A. 2021. The history and challenges of SCP-ECG: The standard communication protocol for computer-assisted electrocardiography. Hearts. 2(3), 384–409.
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2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 8931 |

Gelová Z, Gallei MC, Pernisová M, Brunoud G, Zhang X, Glanc M, Li L, Michalko J, Pavlovicova Z, Verstraeten I, Han H, Hajny J, Hauschild R, Čovanová M, Zwiewka M, Hörmayer L, Fendrych M, Xu T, Vernoux T, Friml J. 2021. Developmental roles of auxin binding protein 1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Science. 303, 110750.
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2021 | Accepted | Preprint | IST-REx-ID: 10095 |

Li L, Verstraeten I, Roosjen M, Takahashi K, Rodriguez Solovey L, Merrin J, Chen J, Shabala L, Smet W, Ren H, Vanneste S, Shabala S, De Rybel B, Weijers D, Kinoshita T, Gray WM, Friml J. Cell surface and intracellular auxin signalling for H+-fluxes in root growth. Research Square, 266395.
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2021 | Scientific Software | IST-REx-ID: 10110 |

Guzmán J, Schlögl A, Espinoza Martinez C, Zhang X, Suter B, Jonas PM. 2021. How connectivity rules and synaptic properties shape the efficacy of pattern separation in the entorhinal cortex–dentate gyrus–CA3 network, IST Austria, 10.15479/AT:ISTA:10110.
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2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 9429 |

Morandell J, Schwarz LA, Basilico B, Tasciyan S, Dimchev GA, Nicolas A, Sommer CM, Kreuzinger C, Dotter C, Knaus L, Dobler Z, Cacci E, Schur FK, Danzl JG, Novarino G. 2021. Cul3 regulates cytoskeleton protein homeostasis and cell migration during a critical window of brain development. Nature Communications. 12(1), 3058.
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2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 8909 |

Jirovec D, Hofmann AC, Ballabio A, Mutter PM, Tavani G, Botifoll M, Crippa A, Kukucka J, Sagi O, Martins F, Saez Mollejo J, Prieto Gonzalez I, Borovkov M, Arbiol J, Chrastina D, Isella G, Katsaros G. 2021. A singlet triplet hole spin qubit in planar Ge. Nature Materials. 20(8), 1106–1112.
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2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 9887 |

Johnson AJ, Dahhan DA, Gnyliukh N, Kaufmann W, Zheden V, Costanzo T, Mahou P, Hrtyan M, Wang J, Aguilera Servin JL, van Damme D, Beaurepaire E, Loose M, Bednarek SY, Friml J. 2021. The TPLATE complex mediates membrane bending during plant clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(51), e2113046118.
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2021 | Published | Book Chapter | IST-REx-ID: 9756
Kaufmann W, Kleindienst D, Harada H, Shigemoto R. 2021.High-Resolution localization and quantitation of membrane proteins by SDS-digested freeze-fracture replica labeling (SDS-FRL). In: Receptor and Ion Channel Detection in the Brain. Neuromethods, vol. 169, 267–283.
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2020 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 8597 |

Merrin J. 2020. Differences in power law growth over time and indicators of COVID-19 pandemic progression worldwide. Physical Biology. 17(6), 065005.
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2020 | Published | Working Paper | IST-REx-ID: 8695 |

Mayer K, Rieck K, Reichmann S, Danowski P, Graschopf A, König T, Kraker P, Lehner P, Reckling F, Ross-Hellauer T, Spichtinger D, Tzatzanis M, Schürz S. 2020. Empfehlungen für eine nationale Open Science Strategie in Österreich / Recommendations for a National Open Science Strategy in Austria, OANA, 36p.
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2020 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 8706 |

Danowski P, Ferus A, Hikl A-L, McNeill G, Miniberger C, Reding S, Zarka T, Zojer M. 2020. „Recommendation“ for the further procedure for open access monitoring. Deliverable of the AT2OA subproject TP1-B. Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare. 73(2), 278–284.
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2020 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 8744 |

Schulte L, Mao J, Reitz J, Sreeramulu S, Kudlinzki D, Hodirnau V-V, Meier-Credo J, Saxena K, Buhr F, Langer JD, Blackledge M, Frangakis AS, Glaubitz C, Schwalbe H. 2020. Cysteine oxidation and disulfide formation in the ribosomal exit tunnel. Nature Communications. 11, 5569.
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