Cul3 regulates cytoskeleton protein homeostasis and cell migration during a critical window of brain development
Morandell J, Schwarz LA, Basilico B, Tasciyan S, Dimchev GA, Nicolas A, Sommer CM, Kreuzinger C, Dotter C, Knaus L, Dobler Z, Cacci E, Schur FK, Danzl JG, Novarino G. 2021. Cul3 regulates cytoskeleton protein homeostasis and cell migration during a critical window of brain development. Nature Communications. 12(1), 3058.
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De novo loss of function mutations in the ubiquitin ligase-encoding gene Cullin3 lead to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In mouse, constitutive haploinsufficiency leads to motor coordination deficits as well as ASD-relevant social and cognitive impairments. However, induction of Cul3 haploinsufficiency later in life does not lead to ASD-relevant behaviors, pointing to an important role of Cul3 during a critical developmental window. Here we show that Cul3 is essential to regulate neuronal migration and, therefore, constitutive Cul3 heterozygous mutant mice display cortical lamination abnormalities. At the molecular level, we found that Cul3 controls neuronal migration by tightly regulating the amount of Plastin3 (Pls3), a previously unrecognized player of neural migration. Furthermore, we found that Pls3 cell-autonomously regulates cell migration by regulating actin cytoskeleton organization, and its levels are inversely proportional to neural migration speed. Finally, we provide evidence that cellular phenotypes associated with autism-linked gene haploinsufficiency can be rescued by transcriptional activation of the intact allele in vitro, offering a proof of concept for a potential therapeutic approach for ASDs.
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Nature Communications
Springer Nature
We thank A. Coll Manzano, F. Freeman, M. Ladron de Guevara, and A. Ç. Yahya for technical assistance, S. Deixler, A. Lepold, and A. Schlerka for the management of our animal colony, as well as M. Schunn and the Preclinical Facility team for technical assistance. We thank K. Heesom and her team at the University of Bristol Proteomics Facility for the proteomics sample preparation, data generation, and analysis support. We thank Y. B. Simon for kindly providing the plasmid for lentiviral labeling. Further, we thank M. Sixt for his advice regarding cell migration and the fruitful discussions. This work was supported by the ISTPlus postdoctoral fellowship (Grant Agreement No. 754411) to B.B., by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (ERC) grant 715508 (REVERSEAUTISM), and by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) to G.N. (DK W1232-B24 and SFB F7807-B) and to J.G.D (I3600-B27).
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Morandell J, Schwarz LA, Basilico B, et al. Cul3 regulates cytoskeleton protein homeostasis and cell migration during a critical window of brain development. Nature Communications. 2021;12(1). doi:10.1038/s41467-021-23123-x
Morandell, J., Schwarz, L. A., Basilico, B., Tasciyan, S., Dimchev, G. A., Nicolas, A., … Novarino, G. (2021). Cul3 regulates cytoskeleton protein homeostasis and cell migration during a critical window of brain development. Nature Communications. Springer Nature.
Morandell, Jasmin, Lena A Schwarz, Bernadette Basilico, Saren Tasciyan, Georgi A Dimchev, Armel Nicolas, Christoph M Sommer, et al. “Cul3 Regulates Cytoskeleton Protein Homeostasis and Cell Migration during a Critical Window of Brain Development.” Nature Communications. Springer Nature, 2021.
J. Morandell et al., “Cul3 regulates cytoskeleton protein homeostasis and cell migration during a critical window of brain development,” Nature Communications, vol. 12, no. 1. Springer Nature, 2021.
Morandell J, Schwarz LA, Basilico B, Tasciyan S, Dimchev GA, Nicolas A, Sommer CM, Kreuzinger C, Dotter C, Knaus L, Dobler Z, Cacci E, Schur FK, Danzl JG, Novarino G. 2021. Cul3 regulates cytoskeleton protein homeostasis and cell migration during a critical window of brain development. Nature Communications. 12(1), 3058.
Morandell, Jasmin, et al. “Cul3 Regulates Cytoskeleton Protein Homeostasis and Cell Migration during a Critical Window of Brain Development.” Nature Communications, vol. 12, no. 1, 3058, Springer Nature, 2021, doi:10.1038/s41467-021-23123-x.
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