Solidification of a cornstarch and water suspension
Waitukaitis SR, Jaeger H. 2012. Solidification of a cornstarch and water suspension. Revista Cubana de Fisica. 29(1E), 1E31-1E33.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
Waitukaitis, Scott RISTA
Jaeger, Heinrich

We report on an investigation of the solidification of a cornstarch and water suspension during normal impact on its surface. We find that a finite time after impact, the suspension displays characteristics reminiscent of a solid, including localized stress transmission, the development of a yield stress, and some elastic energy storage. The time dependence of these characteristics depends on the thickness of the cornstarch layer, showing that the solidification is a dynamic process driven by the impacting object. These findings confirm previous speculations that rapidly applied normal stress transforms the normally fluid-like suspension into a temporarily jammed solid and draw a clear distinction between the effects of normal stress and shear stress in dense suspensions.
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Revista Cubana de Fisica
Universidad de La Habana
This work was supported by the NSF through its MRSEC program (DMR-0820054). S. R. W. acknowledges support from a Millikan fellowship.
1E31 - 1E33
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Waitukaitis SR, Jaeger H. Solidification of a cornstarch and water suspension. Revista Cubana de Fisica. 2012;29(1E):1E31-1E33.
Waitukaitis, S. R., & Jaeger, H. (2012). Solidification of a cornstarch and water suspension. Revista Cubana de Fisica. Universidad de La Habana.
Waitukaitis, Scott R, and Heinrich Jaeger. “Solidification of a Cornstarch and Water Suspension.” Revista Cubana de Fisica. Universidad de La Habana, 2012.
S. R. Waitukaitis and H. Jaeger, “Solidification of a cornstarch and water suspension,” Revista Cubana de Fisica, vol. 29, no. 1E. Universidad de La Habana, p. 1E31-1E33, 2012.
Waitukaitis SR, Jaeger H. 2012. Solidification of a cornstarch and water suspension. Revista Cubana de Fisica. 29(1E), 1E31-1E33.
Waitukaitis, Scott R., and Heinrich Jaeger. “Solidification of a Cornstarch and Water Suspension.” Revista Cubana de Fisica, vol. 29, no. 1E, Universidad de La Habana, 2012, p. 1E31-1E33.
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