Visualising the cytoskeletal machinery in neuronal growth cones using cryo-electron tomography
Atherton J, Stouffer MA, Francis F, Moores CA. 2022. Visualising the cytoskeletal machinery in neuronal growth cones using cryo-electron tomography. Journal of Cell Science. 135(7), 259234.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
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Atherton, Joseph;
Stouffer, Melissa AISTA;
Francis, Fiona;
Moores, Carolyn A.
Neurons extend axons to form the complex circuitry of the mature brain. This depends on the coordinated response and continuous remodelling of the microtubule and F-actin networks in the axonal growth cone. Growth cone architecture remains poorly understood at nanoscales. We therefore investigated mouse hippocampal neuron growth cones using cryo-electron tomography to directly visualise their three-dimensional subcellular architecture with molecular detail. Our data showed that the hexagonal arrays of actin bundles that form filopodia penetrate and terminate deep within the growth cone interior. We directly observed the modulation of these and other growth cone actin bundles by alteration of individual F-actin helical structures. Microtubules with blunt, slightly flared or gently curved ends predominated in the growth cone, frequently contained lumenal particles and exhibited lattice defects. Investigation of the effect of absence of doublecortin, a neurodevelopmental cytoskeleton regulator, on growth cone cytoskeleton showed no major anomalies in overall growth cone organisation or in F-actin subpopulations. However, our data suggested that microtubules sustained more structural defects, highlighting the importance of microtubule integrity during growth cone migration.
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Journal of Cell Science
The Company of Biologists
J.A. was supported by a grant from the Medical Research Council (MRC), UK (MR/R000352/1) to C.A.M. Cryo-EM data were collected on equipment funded by the Wellcome Trust, UK (079605/Z/06/Z) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) UK (BB/L014211/1). F.F.’s salary and institute were supported by Inserm (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale), CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and Sorbonne Université. F.F.’s group was particularly supported by Agence Nationale de la
Recherche (ANR-16-CE16-0011-03) and Seventh Framework Programme (EUHEALTH-
2013, DESIRE, N° 60253; also funding M.S.’s salary) and the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST Action CA16118). Open Access funding provided by Birkbeck College: Birkbeck University of London. Deposited in PMC for immediate release.
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Atherton J, Stouffer MA, Francis F, Moores CA. Visualising the cytoskeletal machinery in neuronal growth cones using cryo-electron tomography. Journal of Cell Science. 2022;135(7). doi:10.1242/jcs.259234
Atherton, J., Stouffer, M. A., Francis, F., & Moores, C. A. (2022). Visualising the cytoskeletal machinery in neuronal growth cones using cryo-electron tomography. Journal of Cell Science. The Company of Biologists.
Atherton, Joseph, Melissa A Stouffer, Fiona Francis, and Carolyn A. Moores. “Visualising the Cytoskeletal Machinery in Neuronal Growth Cones Using Cryo-Electron Tomography.” Journal of Cell Science. The Company of Biologists, 2022.
J. Atherton, M. A. Stouffer, F. Francis, and C. A. Moores, “Visualising the cytoskeletal machinery in neuronal growth cones using cryo-electron tomography,” Journal of Cell Science, vol. 135, no. 7. The Company of Biologists, 2022.
Atherton J, Stouffer MA, Francis F, Moores CA. 2022. Visualising the cytoskeletal machinery in neuronal growth cones using cryo-electron tomography. Journal of Cell Science. 135(7), 259234.
Atherton, Joseph, et al. “Visualising the Cytoskeletal Machinery in Neuronal Growth Cones Using Cryo-Electron Tomography.” Journal of Cell Science, vol. 135, no. 7, 259234, The Company of Biologists, 2022, doi:10.1242/jcs.259234.
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