Cell cycle dynamics control fluidity of the developing mouse neuroepithelium

Bocanegra L, Singh A, Hannezo EB, Zagórski MP, Kicheva A. 2023. Cell cycle dynamics control fluidity of the developing mouse neuroepithelium. Nature Physics. 19, 1050–1058.

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Journal Article | Published | English

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As developing tissues grow in size and undergo morphogenetic changes, their material properties may be altered. Such changes result from tension dynamics at cell contacts or cellular jamming. Yet, in many cases, the cellular mechanisms controlling the physical state of growing tissues are unclear. We found that at early developmental stages, the epithelium in the developing mouse spinal cord maintains both high junctional tension and high fluidity. This is achieved via a mechanism in which interkinetic nuclear movements generate cell area dynamics that drive extensive cell rearrangements. Over time, the cell proliferation rate declines, effectively solidifying the tissue. Thus, unlike well-studied jamming transitions, the solidification uncovered here resembles a glass transition that depends on the dynamical stresses generated by proliferation and differentiation. Our finding that the fluidity of developing epithelia is linked to interkinetic nuclear movements and the dynamics of growth is likely to be relevant to multiple developing tissues.
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Nature Physics
We thank S. Hippenmeyer for the reagents and C. P. Heisenberg, J. Briscoe and K. Page for comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by IST Austria; the European Research Council under Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme grant no. 680037 and Horizon Europe grant 101044579 (A.K.); Austrian Science Fund (FWF): F78 (Stem Cell Modulation) (A.K.); ISTFELLOW postdoctoral program (A.S.); Narodowe Centrum Nauki, Poland SONATA, 2017/26/D/NZ2/00454 (M.Z.); and the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (M.Z.).

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Bocanegra L, Singh A, Hannezo EB, Zagórski MP, Kicheva A. Cell cycle dynamics control fluidity of the developing mouse neuroepithelium. Nature Physics. 2023;19:1050-1058. doi:10.1038/s41567-023-01977-w
Bocanegra, L., Singh, A., Hannezo, E. B., Zagórski, M. P., & Kicheva, A. (2023). Cell cycle dynamics control fluidity of the developing mouse neuroepithelium. Nature Physics. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-023-01977-w
Bocanegra, Laura, Amrita Singh, Edouard B Hannezo, Marcin P Zagórski, and Anna Kicheva. “Cell Cycle Dynamics Control Fluidity of the Developing Mouse Neuroepithelium.” Nature Physics. Springer Nature, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-023-01977-w.
L. Bocanegra, A. Singh, E. B. Hannezo, M. P. Zagórski, and A. Kicheva, “Cell cycle dynamics control fluidity of the developing mouse neuroepithelium,” Nature Physics, vol. 19. Springer Nature, pp. 1050–1058, 2023.
Bocanegra L, Singh A, Hannezo EB, Zagórski MP, Kicheva A. 2023. Cell cycle dynamics control fluidity of the developing mouse neuroepithelium. Nature Physics. 19, 1050–1058.
Bocanegra, Laura, et al. “Cell Cycle Dynamics Control Fluidity of the Developing Mouse Neuroepithelium.” Nature Physics, vol. 19, Springer Nature, 2023, pp. 1050–58, doi:10.1038/s41567-023-01977-w.
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