Coboundary expansion, equivariant overlap, and crossing numbers of simplicial complexes
Wagner U, Wild P. 2023. Coboundary expansion, equivariant overlap, and crossing numbers of simplicial complexes. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 256(2), 675–717.
Journal Article
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| English
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We prove the following quantitative Borsuk–Ulam-type result (an equivariant analogue of Gromov’s Topological Overlap Theorem): Let X be a free ℤ/2-complex of dimension d with coboundary expansion at least ηk in dimension 0 ≤ k < d. Then for every equivariant map F: X →ℤ/2 ℝd, the fraction of d-simplices σ of X with 0 ∈ F (σ) is at least 2−d Π d−1k=0ηk.
As an application, we show that for every sufficiently thick d-dimensional spherical building Y and every map f: Y → ℝ2d, we have f(σ) ∩ f(τ) ≠ ∅ for a constant fraction μd > 0 of pairs {σ, τ} of d-simplices of Y. In particular, such complexes are non-embeddable into ℝ2d, which proves a conjecture of Tancer and Vorwerk for sufficiently thick spherical buildings.
We complement these results by upper bounds on the coboundary expansion of two families of simplicial complexes; this indicates some limitations to the bounds one can obtain by straighforward applications of the quantitative Borsuk–Ulam theorem. Specifically, we prove
• an upper bound of (d + 1)/2d on the normalized (d − 1)-th coboundary expansion constant of complete (d + 1)-partite d-dimensional complexes (under a mild divisibility assumption on the sizes of the parts); and
• an upper bound of (d + 1)/2d + ε on the normalized (d − 1)-th coboundary expansion of the d-dimensional spherical building associated with GLd+2(Fq) for any ε > 0 and sufficiently large q. This disproves, in a rather strong sense, a conjecture of Lubotzky, Meshulam and Mozes.
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Israel Journal of Mathematics
Springer Nature
Cite this
Wagner U, Wild P. Coboundary expansion, equivariant overlap, and crossing numbers of simplicial complexes. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 2023;256(2):675-717. doi:10.1007/s11856-023-2521-9
Wagner, U., & Wild, P. (2023). Coboundary expansion, equivariant overlap, and crossing numbers of simplicial complexes. Israel Journal of Mathematics. Springer Nature.
Wagner, Uli, and Pascal Wild. “Coboundary Expansion, Equivariant Overlap, and Crossing Numbers of Simplicial Complexes.” Israel Journal of Mathematics. Springer Nature, 2023.
U. Wagner and P. Wild, “Coboundary expansion, equivariant overlap, and crossing numbers of simplicial complexes,” Israel Journal of Mathematics, vol. 256, no. 2. Springer Nature, pp. 675–717, 2023.
Wagner U, Wild P. 2023. Coboundary expansion, equivariant overlap, and crossing numbers of simplicial complexes. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 256(2), 675–717.
Wagner, Uli, and Pascal Wild. “Coboundary Expansion, Equivariant Overlap, and Crossing Numbers of Simplicial Complexes.” Israel Journal of Mathematics, vol. 256, no. 2, Springer Nature, 2023, pp. 675–717, doi:10.1007/s11856-023-2521-9.
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