The human factor: Results of a small-angle scattering data analysis round robin
Pauw BR, Smales GJ, Anker AS, Annadurai V, Balazs D, Bienert R, Bouwman WG, Breßler I, Breternitz J, Brok ES, Bryant G, Clulow AJ, Crater ER, De Geuser F, Giudice AD, Deumer J, Disch S, Dutt S, Frank K, Fratini E, Garcia PRAF, Gilbert EP, Hahn MB, Hallett J, Hohenschutz M, Hollamby M, Huband S, Ilavsky J, Jochum JK, Juelsholt M, Mansel BW, Penttilä P, Pittkowski RK, Portale G, Pozzo LD, Rochels L, Rosalie JM, Saloga PEJ, Seibt S, Smith AJ, Smith GN, Spiering GA, Stawski TM, Taché O, Thünemann AF, Toth K, Whitten AE, Wuttke J. 2023. The human factor: Results of a small-angle scattering data analysis round robin. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 56(6), 1618–1629.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
Scopus indexed
Pauw, Brian R.;
Smales, Glen J.;
Anker, Andy S.;
Annadurai, Venkatasamy;
Balazs, DanielISTA
Bienert, Ralf;
Bouwman, Wim G.;
Breßler, Ingo;
Breternitz, Joachim;
Brok, Erik S.;
Bryant, Gary;
Clulow, Andrew J.

A round-robin study has been carried out to estimate the impact of the human element in small-angle scattering data analysis. Four corrected datasets were provided to participants ready for analysis. All datasets were measured on samples containing spherical scatterers, with two datasets in dilute dispersions and two from powders. Most of the 46 participants correctly identified the number of populations in the dilute dispersions, with half of the population
mean entries within 1.5% and half of the population width entries within 40%. Due to the added complexity of the structure factor, far fewer people submitted answers on the powder datasets. For those that did, half of the entries for the means and widths were within 44 and 86%, respectively. This round-robin experiment highlights several causes for the discrepancies, for which solutions are proposed.
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Journal of Applied Crystallography
KT acknowledges the NIST–NRC postdoctoral fellowship program for support. This work was partially funded through the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) project No. 17NRM04.
Certain commercial equipment, instruments, materials or software are identified in this article in order to specify the experimental procedure adequately. Such identification is not intended to imply recommendation or endorsement by NIST, nor is it intended to imply that the materials or equipment identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose. Open access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
Cite this
Pauw BR, Smales GJ, Anker AS, et al. The human factor: Results of a small-angle scattering data analysis round robin. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 2023;56(6):1618-1629. doi:10.1107/S1600576723008324
Pauw, B. R., Smales, G. J., Anker, A. S., Annadurai, V., Balazs, D., Bienert, R., … Wuttke, J. (2023). The human factor: Results of a small-angle scattering data analysis round robin. Journal of Applied Crystallography.
Pauw, Brian R., Glen J. Smales, Andy S. Anker, Venkatasamy Annadurai, Daniel Balazs, Ralf Bienert, Wim G. Bouwman, et al. “The Human Factor: Results of a Small-Angle Scattering Data Analysis Round Robin.” Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2023.
B. R. Pauw et al., “The human factor: Results of a small-angle scattering data analysis round robin,” Journal of Applied Crystallography, vol. 56, no. 6. pp. 1618–1629, 2023.
Pauw BR, Smales GJ, Anker AS, Annadurai V, Balazs D, Bienert R, Bouwman WG, Breßler I, Breternitz J, Brok ES, Bryant G, Clulow AJ, Crater ER, De Geuser F, Giudice AD, Deumer J, Disch S, Dutt S, Frank K, Fratini E, Garcia PRAF, Gilbert EP, Hahn MB, Hallett J, Hohenschutz M, Hollamby M, Huband S, Ilavsky J, Jochum JK, Juelsholt M, Mansel BW, Penttilä P, Pittkowski RK, Portale G, Pozzo LD, Rochels L, Rosalie JM, Saloga PEJ, Seibt S, Smith AJ, Smith GN, Spiering GA, Stawski TM, Taché O, Thünemann AF, Toth K, Whitten AE, Wuttke J. 2023. The human factor: Results of a small-angle scattering data analysis round robin. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 56(6), 1618–1629.
Pauw, Brian R., et al. “The Human Factor: Results of a Small-Angle Scattering Data Analysis Round Robin.” Journal of Applied Crystallography, vol. 56, no. 6, 2023, pp. 1618–29, doi:10.1107/S1600576723008324.
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