Using supported bilayers to study the spatiotemporal organization of membrane-bound proteins
Nguyen P, Field C, Groen A, Mitchison T, Loose M. 2015.Using supported bilayers to study the spatiotemporal organization of membrane-bound proteins. In: Building a Cell from its Components Parts. vol. 128, 223–241.
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Book Chapter
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| English
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Nguyen, Phuong;
Field, Christine;
Groen, Aaron;
Mitchison, Timothy;
Loose, MartinISTA 

Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation
Cell division in prokaryotes and eukaryotes is commonly initiated by the well-controlled binding of proteins to the cytoplasmic side of the cell membrane. However, a precise characterization of the spatiotemporal dynamics of membrane-bound proteins is often difficult to achieve in vivo. Here, we present protocols for the use of supported lipid bilayers to rebuild the cytokinetic machineries of cells with greatly different dimensions: the bacterium Escherichia coli and eggs of the vertebrate Xenopus laevis. Combined with total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, these experimental setups allow for precise quantitative analyses of membrane-bound proteins. The protocols described to obtain glass-supported membranes from bacterial and vertebrate lipids can be used as starting points for other reconstitution experiments. We believe that similar biochemical assays will be instrumental to study the biochemistry and biophysics underlying a variety of complex cellular tasks, such as signaling, vesicle trafficking, and cell motility.
Publishing Year
Date Published
Book Title
Building a Cell from its Components Parts
Academic Press
223 - 241
Cite this
Nguyen P, Field C, Groen A, Mitchison T, Loose M. Using supported bilayers to study the spatiotemporal organization of membrane-bound proteins. In: Building a Cell from Its Components Parts. Vol 128. Academic Press; 2015:223-241. doi:10.1016/bs.mcb.2015.01.007
Nguyen, P., Field, C., Groen, A., Mitchison, T., & Loose, M. (2015). Using supported bilayers to study the spatiotemporal organization of membrane-bound proteins. In Building a Cell from its Components Parts (Vol. 128, pp. 223–241). Academic Press.
Nguyen, Phuong, Christine Field, Aaron Groen, Timothy Mitchison, and Martin Loose. “Using Supported Bilayers to Study the Spatiotemporal Organization of Membrane-Bound Proteins.” In Building a Cell from Its Components Parts, 128:223–41. Academic Press, 2015.
P. Nguyen, C. Field, A. Groen, T. Mitchison, and M. Loose, “Using supported bilayers to study the spatiotemporal organization of membrane-bound proteins,” in Building a Cell from its Components Parts, vol. 128, Academic Press, 2015, pp. 223–241.
Nguyen P, Field C, Groen A, Mitchison T, Loose M. 2015.Using supported bilayers to study the spatiotemporal organization of membrane-bound proteins. In: Building a Cell from its Components Parts. vol. 128, 223–241.
Nguyen, Phuong, et al. “Using Supported Bilayers to Study the Spatiotemporal Organization of Membrane-Bound Proteins.” Building a Cell from Its Components Parts, vol. 128, Academic Press, 2015, pp. 223–41, doi:10.1016/bs.mcb.2015.01.007.
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