A simpler and parallelizable O(√log n)-approximation algorithm for sparsest cut
Kolmogorov V. 2024. A simpler and parallelizable O(√log n)-approximation algorithm for sparsest cut. Proceedings of the 36th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures. SPAA: Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, 403–414.
Conference Paper
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| English
Scopus indexed
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Currently, the best known tradeoff between approximation ratio and complexity for the Sparsest Cut problem is achieved by the algorithm in [Sherman, FOCS 2009]: it computes O(√(log n)/ε)-approximation using O(nε logO(1) n) maxflows for any ε∈[Θ(1/log n),Θ(1)]. It works by solving the SDP relaxation of [Arora-Rao-Vazirani, STOC 2004] using the Multiplicative Weights Update algorithm (MW) of [Arora-Kale, JACM 2016]. To implement one MW step, Sherman approximately solves a multicommodity flow problem using another application of MW. Nested MW steps are solved via a certain "chaining" algorithm that combines results of multiple calls to the maxflow algorithm.
We present an alternative approach that avoids solving the multicommodity flow problem and instead computes "violating paths". This simplifies Sherman's algorithm by removing a need for a nested application of MW, and also allows parallelization: we show how to compute O(√(log n)/ε)-approximation via O(logO(1) n) maxflows using O(nε) processors.
We also revisit Sherman's chaining algorithm, and present a simpler version together with a new analysis.
Publishing Year
Date Published
Proceedings Title
Proceedings of the 36th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures
Association for Computing Machinery
SPAA: Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures
Conference Location
Nantes, France
Conference Date
2024-06-17 – 2024-06-21
Cite this
Kolmogorov V. A simpler and parallelizable O(√log n)-approximation algorithm for sparsest cut. In: Proceedings of the 36th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures. Association for Computing Machinery; 2024:403-414. doi:10.1145/3626183.3659969
Kolmogorov, V. (2024). A simpler and parallelizable O(√log n)-approximation algorithm for sparsest cut. In Proceedings of the 36th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (pp. 403–414). Nantes, France: Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3626183.3659969
Kolmogorov, Vladimir. “A Simpler and Parallelizable O(√log n)-Approximation Algorithm for Sparsest Cut.” In Proceedings of the 36th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, 403–14. Association for Computing Machinery, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1145/3626183.3659969.
V. Kolmogorov, “A simpler and parallelizable O(√log n)-approximation algorithm for sparsest cut,” in Proceedings of the 36th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, Nantes, France, 2024, pp. 403–414.
Kolmogorov V. 2024. A simpler and parallelizable O(√log n)-approximation algorithm for sparsest cut. Proceedings of the 36th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures. SPAA: Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, 403–414.
Kolmogorov, Vladimir. “A Simpler and Parallelizable O(√log n)-Approximation Algorithm for Sparsest Cut.” Proceedings of the 36th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, Association for Computing Machinery, 2024, pp. 403–14, doi:10.1145/3626183.3659969.
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