Exponentially many graphs are determined by their spectrum

Koval I, Kwan MA. 2024. Exponentially many graphs are determined by their spectrum. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. 75(3), 869–899.

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Journal Article | Published | English

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As a discrete analogue of Kac’s celebrated question on ‘hearing the shape of a drum’ and towards a practical graph isomorphism test, it is of interest to understand which graphs are determined up to isomorphism by their spectrum (of their adjacency matrix). A striking conjecture in this area, due to van Dam and Haemers, is that ‘almost all graphs are determined by their spectrum’, meaning that the fraction of unlabelled n-vertex graphs which are determined by their spectrum converges to 1 as n → ∞. In this paper, we make a step towards this conjecture, showing that there are exponentially many n-vertex graphs which are determined by their spectrum. This improves on previous bounds (of shape e c √ n ). We also propose a number of further directions of research.
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Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Matthew Kwan was supported by ERC Starting Grant ‘RANDSTRUCT’ No. 101076777.

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Koval I, Kwan MA. Exponentially many graphs are determined by their spectrum. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. 2024;75(3):869-899. doi:10.1093/qmath/haae030
Koval, I., & Kwan, M. A. (2024). Exponentially many graphs are determined by their spectrum. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/qmath/haae030
Koval, Illya, and Matthew Alan Kwan. “Exponentially Many Graphs Are Determined by Their Spectrum.” Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford University Press, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1093/qmath/haae030.
I. Koval and M. A. Kwan, “Exponentially many graphs are determined by their spectrum,” Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, vol. 75, no. 3. Oxford University Press, pp. 869–899, 2024.
Koval I, Kwan MA. 2024. Exponentially many graphs are determined by their spectrum. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. 75(3), 869–899.
Koval, Illya, and Matthew Alan Kwan. “Exponentially Many Graphs Are Determined by Their Spectrum.” Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, vol. 75, no. 3, Oxford University Press, 2024, pp. 869–99, doi:10.1093/qmath/haae030.
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