Synergistic on Auxin and Cytokinin 1 positively regulates growth and attenuates soil pathogen resistance
Hurny A, Cuesta C, Cavallari N, Ötvös K, Duclercq J, Dokládal L, Montesinos López JC, Gallemi M, Semerádová H, Rauter T, Stenzel I, Persiau G, Benade F, Bhalearo R, Sýkorová E, Gorzsás A, Sechet J, Mouille G, Heilmann I, De Jaeger G, Ludwig-Müller J, Benková E. 2020. Synergistic on Auxin and Cytokinin 1 positively regulates growth and attenuates soil pathogen resistance. Nature Communications. 11, 2170.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
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Hurny, AndrejISTA
Cuesta, CandelaISTA
Cavallari, NicolaISTA;
Oetvoes, KrisztinaISTA
Duclercq, Jerome;
Dokládal, Ladislav;
Montesinos López, Juan CISTA
Gallemi Rovira, MarcalISTA
Semerádová, HanaISTA;
Rauter, ThomasISTA;
Stenzel, Irene;
Persiau, Geert

Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation
Plants as non-mobile organisms constantly integrate varying environmental signals to flexibly adapt their growth and development. Local fluctuations in water and nutrient availability, sudden changes in temperature or other abiotic and biotic stresses can trigger changes in the growth of plant organs. Multiple mutually interconnected hormonal signaling cascades act as essential endogenous translators of these exogenous signals in the adaptive responses of plants. Although the molecular backbones of hormone transduction pathways have been identified, the mechanisms underlying their interactions are largely unknown. Here, using genome wide transcriptome profiling we identify an auxin and cytokinin cross-talk component; SYNERGISTIC ON AUXIN AND CYTOKININ 1 (SYAC1), whose expression in roots is strictly dependent on both of these hormonal pathways. We show that SYAC1 is a regulator of secretory pathway, whose enhanced activity interferes with deposition of cell wall components and can fine-tune organ growth and sensitivity to soil pathogens.
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Nature Communications
Springer Nature
We thank Daria Siekhaus, Jiri Friml and Alexander Johnson for critical reading of the manuscript, Peter Pimpl, Christian Luschnig and Liwen Jiang for sharing published material, Lesia Rodriguez Solovey for technical assistance. This work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF01_I1774S) to A.H., K.Ö., and E.B., the German Research Foundation (DFG; He3424/6-1 to I.H.), by the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under REA grant agreement n° [291734] (to N.C.), by the EU in the framework of the Marie-Curie FP7 COFUND People Programme through the award of an AgreenSkills+ fellowship No. 609398 (to J.S.) and by the Scientific Service Units of IST-Austria through resources provided by the Bioimaging Facility, the Life Science Facility. The IJPB benefits from the support of Saclay Plant Sciences-SPS (ANR-17-EUR-0007).
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Cite this
Hurny A, Cuesta C, Cavallari N, et al. Synergistic on Auxin and Cytokinin 1 positively regulates growth and attenuates soil pathogen resistance. Nature Communications. 2020;11. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15895-5
Hurny, A., Cuesta, C., Cavallari, N., Ötvös, K., Duclercq, J., Dokládal, L., … Benková, E. (2020). Synergistic on Auxin and Cytokinin 1 positively regulates growth and attenuates soil pathogen resistance. Nature Communications. Springer Nature.
Hurny, Andrej, Candela Cuesta, Nicola Cavallari, Krisztina Ötvös, Jerome Duclercq, Ladislav Dokládal, Juan C Montesinos López, et al. “Synergistic on Auxin and Cytokinin 1 Positively Regulates Growth and Attenuates Soil Pathogen Resistance.” Nature Communications. Springer Nature, 2020.
A. Hurny et al., “Synergistic on Auxin and Cytokinin 1 positively regulates growth and attenuates soil pathogen resistance,” Nature Communications, vol. 11. Springer Nature, 2020.
Hurny A, Cuesta C, Cavallari N, Ötvös K, Duclercq J, Dokládal L, Montesinos López JC, Gallemi M, Semerádová H, Rauter T, Stenzel I, Persiau G, Benade F, Bhalearo R, Sýkorová E, Gorzsás A, Sechet J, Mouille G, Heilmann I, De Jaeger G, Ludwig-Müller J, Benková E. 2020. Synergistic on Auxin and Cytokinin 1 positively regulates growth and attenuates soil pathogen resistance. Nature Communications. 11, 2170.
Hurny, Andrej, et al. “Synergistic on Auxin and Cytokinin 1 Positively Regulates Growth and Attenuates Soil Pathogen Resistance.” Nature Communications, vol. 11, 2170, Springer Nature, 2020, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15895-5.
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