Neurons equipped with intrinsic plasticity learn stimulus intensity statistics
Monk T, Savin C, Lücke J. 2016. Neurons equipped with intrinsic plasticity learn stimulus intensity statistics. NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol. 29, 4285–4293.
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Conference Paper
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| English
Scopus indexed
Monk, Travis;
Savin, CristinaISTA;
Lücke, Jörg
Series Title
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
Experience constantly shapes neural circuits through a variety of plasticity mechanisms. While the functional roles of some plasticity mechanisms are well-understood, it remains unclear how changes in neural excitability contribute to learning. Here, we develop a normative interpretation of intrinsic plasticity (IP) as a key component of unsupervised learning. We introduce a novel generative mixture model that accounts for the class-specific statistics of stimulus intensities, and we derive a neural circuit that learns the input classes and their intensities. We will analytically show that inference and learning for our generative model can be achieved by a neural circuit with intensity-sensitive neurons equipped with a specific form of IP. Numerical experiments verify our analytical derivations and show robust behavior for artificial and natural stimuli. Our results link IP to non-trivial input statistics, in particular the statistics of stimulus intensities for classes to which a neuron is sensitive. More generally, our work paves the way toward new classification algorithms that are robust to intensity variations.
Publishing Year
Date Published
Neural Information Processing Systems
DFG Cluster of Excellence EXC 1077/1 (Hearing4all) and LU 1196/5-1 (JL and TM), People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) FP7/2007-2013 grant agreement no. 291734 (CS)
4285 - 4293
NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems
Conference Location
Barcelona, Spaine
Conference Date
2016-12-05 – 2016-12-10
Cite this
Monk T, Savin C, Lücke J. Neurons equipped with intrinsic plasticity learn stimulus intensity statistics. In: Vol 29. Neural Information Processing Systems; 2016:4285-4293.
Monk, T., Savin, C., & Lücke, J. (2016). Neurons equipped with intrinsic plasticity learn stimulus intensity statistics (Vol. 29, pp. 4285–4293). Presented at the NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems, Barcelona, Spaine: Neural Information Processing Systems.
Monk, Travis, Cristina Savin, and Jörg Lücke. “Neurons Equipped with Intrinsic Plasticity Learn Stimulus Intensity Statistics,” 29:4285–93. Neural Information Processing Systems, 2016.
T. Monk, C. Savin, and J. Lücke, “Neurons equipped with intrinsic plasticity learn stimulus intensity statistics,” presented at the NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems, Barcelona, Spaine, 2016, vol. 29, pp. 4285–4293.
Monk T, Savin C, Lücke J. 2016. Neurons equipped with intrinsic plasticity learn stimulus intensity statistics. NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol. 29, 4285–4293.
Monk, Travis, et al. Neurons Equipped with Intrinsic Plasticity Learn Stimulus Intensity Statistics. Vol. 29, Neural Information Processing Systems, 2016, pp. 4285–93.
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