Florian M Praetorius
Praetorius Group
18 Publications
2024 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 17463 |

Pillai A, Idris A, Philomin A, Weidle C, Skotheim R, Leung PJY, Broerman A, Demakis C, Borst AJ, Praetorius FM, Baker D. 2024. De novo design of allosterically switchable protein assemblies. Nature. 632, 911–920.
[Published Version]
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2023 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14281
Praetorius FM, Leung PJY, Tessmer MH, Broerman A, Demakis C, Dishman AF, Pillai A, Idris A, Juergens D, Dauparas J, Li X, Levine PM, Lamb M, Ballard RK, Gerben SR, Nguyen H, Kang A, Sankaran B, Bera AK, Volkman BF, Nivala J, Stoll S, Baker D. 2023. Design of stimulus-responsive two-state hinge proteins. Science. 381(6659), 754–760.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2023 | Submitted | Preprint | IST-REx-ID: 14294 |

Edman NI, Redler RL, Phal A, Schlichthaerle T, Srivatsan SR, Etemadi A, An S, Favor A, Ehnes D, Li Z, Praetorius FM, Gordon M, Yang W, Coventry B, Hicks DR, Cao L, Bethel N, Heine P, Murray AN, Gerben S, Carter L, Miranda M, Negahdari B, Lee S, Trapnell C, Stewart L, Ekiert DC, Schlessinger J, Shendure J, Bhabha G, Ruohola-Baker H, Baker D. Modulation of FGF pathway signaling and vascular differentiation using designed oligomeric assemblies. bioRxiv, 10.1101/2023.03.14.532666.
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2022 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14282
Sahtoe DD, Praetorius FM, Courbet A, Hsia Y, Wicky BIM, Edman NI, Miller LM, Timmermans BJR, Decarreau J, Morris HM, Kang A, Bera AK, Baker D. 2022. Reconfigurable asymmetric protein assemblies through implicit negative design. Science. 375(6578), abj7662.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14299 |

FAS E, Praetorius FM, Wachauf C, Brüggenthies G, Kohler F, Kick B, Kadletz K, Pham P, Behler K, Gerling T, Dietz H. 2019. Custom-size, functional, and durable DNA origami with design-specific scaffolds. ACS Nano. 13(5), 5015–5027.
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2018 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14284 |

Bräuning B, Bertosin E, Praetorius FM, Ihling C, Schatt A, Adler A, Richter K, Sinz A, Dietz H, Groll M. 2018. Structure and mechanism of the two-component α-helical pore-forming toxin YaxAB. Nature Communications. 9, 1806.
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2018 | Published | Thesis | IST-REx-ID: 14306 |

Praetorius FM. 2018. Genetically encoding the spatial arrangement of DNA and proteins in self-assembling nanostructures. Technische Universität München.
[Published Version]
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2017 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14286
Kick B, Hensler S, Praetorius FM, Dietz H, Weuster-Botz D. 2017. Specific growth rate and multiplicity of infection affect high-cell-density fermentation with bacteriophage M13 for ssDNA production. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 114(4), 777–784.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2017 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14287
Praetorius FM, Dietz H. 2017. Self-assembly of genetically encoded DNA-protein hybrid nanoscale shapes. Science. 355(6331), eaam5488.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2017 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14290
Praetorius FM, Kick B, Behler KL, Honemann MN, Weuster-Botz D, Dietz H. 2017. Biotechnological mass production of DNA origami. Nature. 552(7683), 84–87.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2017 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14309 |

Siavashpouri M, Wachauf C, Zakhary M, Praetorius FM, Dietz H, Dogic Z. 2017. Molecular engineering of chiral colloidal liquid crystals using DNA origami. Nature Materials. 16(8), 849–856.
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| arXiv
2017 | Published | Conference Abstract | IST-REx-ID: 14310
Siavashpouri M, Wachauf C, Zakhary M, Praetorius FM, Dietz H, Dogic Z. 2017. Molecular engineering of colloidal liquid crystals using DNA origami. APS March Meeting 2017. .
2016 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14302
Stahl E, Praetorius FM, de Oliveira Mann CC, Hopfner K-P, Dietz H. 2016. Impact of heterogeneity and lattice bond strength on DNA triangle crystal growth. ACS Nano. 10(10), 9156–9164.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2016 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14304
Martin TG, Bharat TAM, Joerger AC, Bai X, Praetorius FM, Fersht AR, Dietz H, Scheres SHW. 2016. Design of a molecular support for cryo-EM structure determination. PNAS. 113(47), E7456–E7463.
[Published Version]
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2015 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14303 |

Kick B, Praetorius FM, Dietz H, Weuster-Botz D. 2015. Efficient production of single-stranded phage DNA as scaffolds for DNA origami. Nano Letters. 15(7), 4672–4676.
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| PubMed | Europe PMC
2014 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14301 |

Stahl E, Martin T, Praetorius FM, Dietz H. 2014. Facile and scalable preparation of pure and dense DNA origami solutions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 126(47), 12949–12954.
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| PubMed | Europe PMC
2011 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14305 |

Bachmann A, Wildemann D, Praetorius FM, Fischer G, Kiefhaber T. 2011. Mapping backbone and side-chain interactions in the transition state of a coupled protein folding and binding reaction. PNAS. 108(10), 3952–3957.
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18 Publications
2024 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 17463 |

Pillai A, Idris A, Philomin A, Weidle C, Skotheim R, Leung PJY, Broerman A, Demakis C, Borst AJ, Praetorius FM, Baker D. 2024. De novo design of allosterically switchable protein assemblies. Nature. 632, 911–920.
[Published Version]
| Files available
2023 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14281
Praetorius FM, Leung PJY, Tessmer MH, Broerman A, Demakis C, Dishman AF, Pillai A, Idris A, Juergens D, Dauparas J, Li X, Levine PM, Lamb M, Ballard RK, Gerben SR, Nguyen H, Kang A, Sankaran B, Bera AK, Volkman BF, Nivala J, Stoll S, Baker D. 2023. Design of stimulus-responsive two-state hinge proteins. Science. 381(6659), 754–760.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2023 | Submitted | Preprint | IST-REx-ID: 14294 |

Edman NI, Redler RL, Phal A, Schlichthaerle T, Srivatsan SR, Etemadi A, An S, Favor A, Ehnes D, Li Z, Praetorius FM, Gordon M, Yang W, Coventry B, Hicks DR, Cao L, Bethel N, Heine P, Murray AN, Gerben S, Carter L, Miranda M, Negahdari B, Lee S, Trapnell C, Stewart L, Ekiert DC, Schlessinger J, Shendure J, Bhabha G, Ruohola-Baker H, Baker D. Modulation of FGF pathway signaling and vascular differentiation using designed oligomeric assemblies. bioRxiv, 10.1101/2023.03.14.532666.
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2022 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14282
Sahtoe DD, Praetorius FM, Courbet A, Hsia Y, Wicky BIM, Edman NI, Miller LM, Timmermans BJR, Decarreau J, Morris HM, Kang A, Bera AK, Baker D. 2022. Reconfigurable asymmetric protein assemblies through implicit negative design. Science. 375(6578), abj7662.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14299 |

FAS E, Praetorius FM, Wachauf C, Brüggenthies G, Kohler F, Kick B, Kadletz K, Pham P, Behler K, Gerling T, Dietz H. 2019. Custom-size, functional, and durable DNA origami with design-specific scaffolds. ACS Nano. 13(5), 5015–5027.
[Published Version]
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| PubMed | Europe PMC
2018 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14284 |

Bräuning B, Bertosin E, Praetorius FM, Ihling C, Schatt A, Adler A, Richter K, Sinz A, Dietz H, Groll M. 2018. Structure and mechanism of the two-component α-helical pore-forming toxin YaxAB. Nature Communications. 9, 1806.
[Published Version]
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| PubMed | Europe PMC
2018 | Published | Thesis | IST-REx-ID: 14306 |

Praetorius FM. 2018. Genetically encoding the spatial arrangement of DNA and proteins in self-assembling nanostructures. Technische Universität München.
[Published Version]
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2017 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14286
Kick B, Hensler S, Praetorius FM, Dietz H, Weuster-Botz D. 2017. Specific growth rate and multiplicity of infection affect high-cell-density fermentation with bacteriophage M13 for ssDNA production. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 114(4), 777–784.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2017 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14287
Praetorius FM, Dietz H. 2017. Self-assembly of genetically encoded DNA-protein hybrid nanoscale shapes. Science. 355(6331), eaam5488.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2017 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14290
Praetorius FM, Kick B, Behler KL, Honemann MN, Weuster-Botz D, Dietz H. 2017. Biotechnological mass production of DNA origami. Nature. 552(7683), 84–87.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2017 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14309 |

Siavashpouri M, Wachauf C, Zakhary M, Praetorius FM, Dietz H, Dogic Z. 2017. Molecular engineering of chiral colloidal liquid crystals using DNA origami. Nature Materials. 16(8), 849–856.
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| PubMed | Europe PMC
| arXiv
2017 | Published | Conference Abstract | IST-REx-ID: 14310
Siavashpouri M, Wachauf C, Zakhary M, Praetorius FM, Dietz H, Dogic Z. 2017. Molecular engineering of colloidal liquid crystals using DNA origami. APS March Meeting 2017. .
2016 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14302
Stahl E, Praetorius FM, de Oliveira Mann CC, Hopfner K-P, Dietz H. 2016. Impact of heterogeneity and lattice bond strength on DNA triangle crystal growth. ACS Nano. 10(10), 9156–9164.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2016 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14304
Martin TG, Bharat TAM, Joerger AC, Bai X, Praetorius FM, Fersht AR, Dietz H, Scheres SHW. 2016. Design of a molecular support for cryo-EM structure determination. PNAS. 113(47), E7456–E7463.
[Published Version]
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2015 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14303 |

Kick B, Praetorius FM, Dietz H, Weuster-Botz D. 2015. Efficient production of single-stranded phage DNA as scaffolds for DNA origami. Nano Letters. 15(7), 4672–4676.
[Published Version]
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| PubMed | Europe PMC
2014 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14301 |

Stahl E, Martin T, Praetorius FM, Dietz H. 2014. Facile and scalable preparation of pure and dense DNA origami solutions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 126(47), 12949–12954.
[Published Version]
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| PubMed | Europe PMC
2011 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14305 |

Bachmann A, Wildemann D, Praetorius FM, Fischer G, Kiefhaber T. 2011. Mapping backbone and side-chain interactions in the transition state of a coupled protein folding and binding reaction. PNAS. 108(10), 3952–3957.
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