Modelling the dynamics of vesicle reshaping and scission under osmotic shocks
Vanhille-Campos C, Šarić A. 2021. Modelling the dynamics of vesicle reshaping and scission under osmotic shocks. Soft Matter. 17(14), 3798–3806.
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Vanhille-Campos, Christian;
Šarić, AnđelaISTA 

We study the effects of osmotic shocks on lipid vesicles via coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations by explicitly considering the solute in the system. We find that depending on their nature (hypo- or hypertonic) such shocks can lead to bursting events or engulfing of external material into inner compartments, among other morphology transformations. We characterize the dynamics of these processes and observe a separation of time scales between the osmotic shock absorption and the shape relaxation. Our work consequently provides an insight into the dynamics of compartmentalization in vesicular systems as a result of osmotic shocks, which can be of interest in the context of early proto-cell development and proto-cell compartmentalisation.
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Soft Matter
Royal Society of Chemistry
We acknowledge support from the Royal Society (C. V. C. and A. Sˇ.), the Medical Research Council (C. V. C. and A. Sˇ.), and the European Research Council (Starting grant ‘‘NEPA’’ 802960 to A. Sˇ.). We thank Johannes Krausser and Ivan Palaia for fruitful discussions.
Cite this
Vanhille-Campos C, Šarić A. Modelling the dynamics of vesicle reshaping and scission under osmotic shocks. Soft Matter. 2021;17(14):3798-3806. doi:10.1039/d0sm02012e
Vanhille-Campos, C., & Šarić, A. (2021). Modelling the dynamics of vesicle reshaping and scission under osmotic shocks. Soft Matter. Royal Society of Chemistry.
Vanhille-Campos, Christian, and Anđela Šarić. “Modelling the Dynamics of Vesicle Reshaping and Scission under Osmotic Shocks.” Soft Matter. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021.
C. Vanhille-Campos and A. Šarić, “Modelling the dynamics of vesicle reshaping and scission under osmotic shocks,” Soft Matter, vol. 17, no. 14. Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 3798–3806, 2021.
Vanhille-Campos C, Šarić A. 2021. Modelling the dynamics of vesicle reshaping and scission under osmotic shocks. Soft Matter. 17(14), 3798–3806.
Vanhille-Campos, Christian, and Anđela Šarić. “Modelling the Dynamics of Vesicle Reshaping and Scission under Osmotic Shocks.” Soft Matter, vol. 17, no. 14, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021, pp. 3798–806, doi:10.1039/d0sm02012e.
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PMID: 33629089
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