Transverse fluctuations control the assembly of semiflexible filaments

Sorichetti V, Lenz M. 2023. Transverse fluctuations control the assembly of semiflexible filaments. Physical Review Letters. 131(22), 228401.

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Sorichetti, ValerioISTA ; Lenz, Martin

Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation

The kinetics of the assembly of semiflexible filaments through end-to-end annealing is key to the structure of the cytoskeleton, but is not understood. We analyze this problem through scaling theory and simulations, and uncover a regime where filaments’ ends find each other through bending fluctuations without the need for the whole filament to diffuse. This results in a very substantial speedup of assembly in physiological regimes, and could help with understanding the dynamics of actin and intermediate filaments in biological processes such as wound healing and cell division.
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Physical Review Letters
American Physical Society
The authors thank C´ecile Leduc and Duc-Quang Tran for invaluable help with understanding the experimental behavior of intermediate filaments, and Raphael Voituriez, Nicolas Levernier, and Alexander Grosberg for fruitful discussion on the theoretical model. V. S. also thanks Davide Michieletto, Maria Panoukidou, and Lorenzo Rovigatti for very helpful suggestions on the simulation model. M. L. was supported by Marie Curie Integration Grant No. PCIG12-GA-2012-334053, “Investissements d’Avenir” LabEx PALM (ANR-10-LABX- 0039-PALM), ANR Grants No. ANR-15-CE13-0004-03, No. ANR-21-CE11-0004-02 and No. ANR-22-CE30-0024, as well as ERC Starting Grant No. 677532. M.L.’s group belongs to the CNRS consortium AQV. Part of this work was performed using HPC resources from GENCI–IDRIS (Grants No. 2020-A0090712066 and No. 2021-A0110712066).
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Sorichetti V, Lenz M. Transverse fluctuations control the assembly of semiflexible filaments. Physical Review Letters. 2023;131(22). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.228401
Sorichetti, V., & Lenz, M. (2023). Transverse fluctuations control the assembly of semiflexible filaments. Physical Review Letters. American Physical Society.
Sorichetti, Valerio, and Martin Lenz. “Transverse Fluctuations Control the Assembly of Semiflexible Filaments.” Physical Review Letters. American Physical Society, 2023.
V. Sorichetti and M. Lenz, “Transverse fluctuations control the assembly of semiflexible filaments,” Physical Review Letters, vol. 131, no. 22. American Physical Society, 2023.
Sorichetti V, Lenz M. 2023. Transverse fluctuations control the assembly of semiflexible filaments. Physical Review Letters. 131(22), 228401.
Sorichetti, Valerio, and Martin Lenz. “Transverse Fluctuations Control the Assembly of Semiflexible Filaments.” Physical Review Letters, vol. 131, no. 22, 228401, American Physical Society, 2023, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.228401.
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