Super-resolution expansion microscopy in plant roots
Gallei MC, Truckenbrodt SM, Kreuzinger C, Inumella S, Vistunou V, Sommer CM, Tavakoli M, Agudelo Duenas N, Vorlaufer J, Jahr W, Randuch M, Johnson AJ, Benková E, Friml J, Danzl JG. Super-resolution expansion microscopy in plant roots. bioRxiv, 10.1101/2024.02.21.581330.
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Multiplexed fluorescence microscopy imaging is widely used in biomedical applications. However, simultaneous imaging of multiple fluorophores can result in spectral leaks and overlapping, which greatly degrades image quality and subsequent analysis. Existing popular spectral unmixing methods are mainly based on computational intensive linear models and the performance is heavily dependent on the reference spectra, which may greatly preclude its further applications. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based blindly spectral unmixing method, termed AutoUnmix, to imitate the physical spectral mixing process. A tranfer learning framework is further devised to allow our AutoUnmix adapting to a variety of imaging systems without retraining the network. Our proposed method has demonstrated real-time unmixing capabilities, surpassing existing methods by up to 100-fold in terms of unmixing speed. We further validate the reconstruction performance on both synthetic datasets and biological samples. The unmixing results of AutoUnmix achieve a highest SSIM of 0.99 in both three- and four-color imaging, with nearly up to 20% higher than other popular unmixing methods. Due to the desirable property of data independency and superior blind unmixing performance, we believe AutoUnmix is a powerful tool to study the interaction process of different organelles labeled by multiple fluorophores.
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We gratefully acknowledge support by the Scientific Service Units at ISTA, including the Imaging and Optics and Lab Support facilities and the mechanical workshop and Library. We thank Philipp Velicky for STED microscope alignment.
This project has received funding from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): I 3630-B25 (J.G.D) and the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 742985, J.F.). It has also received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 665385. S.T. has received funding as an ISTplus Fellow from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 754411 and from an EMBO Long-Term Fellowship (grant number ALTF 679-2018). It has further received funding from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) grant DK W1232 (M.T, N.A-D., J.G.D). W.J. received funding via a Human Frontier Science Program postdoctoral fellowship LT000557/2018.
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.
Acknowledged SSUs
Cite this
Gallei MC, Truckenbrodt SM, Kreuzinger C, et al. Super-resolution expansion microscopy in plant roots. bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2024.02.21.581330
Gallei, M. C., Truckenbrodt, S. M., Kreuzinger, C., Inumella, S., Vistunou, V., Sommer, C. M., … Danzl, J. G. (n.d.). Super-resolution expansion microscopy in plant roots. bioRxiv.
Gallei, Michelle C, Sven M Truckenbrodt, Caroline Kreuzinger, Syamala Inumella, Vitali Vistunou, Christoph M Sommer, Mojtaba Tavakoli, et al. “Super-Resolution Expansion Microscopy in Plant Roots.” BioRxiv, n.d.
M. C. Gallei et al., “Super-resolution expansion microscopy in plant roots,” bioRxiv. .
Gallei MC, Truckenbrodt SM, Kreuzinger C, Inumella S, Vistunou V, Sommer CM, Tavakoli M, Agudelo Duenas N, Vorlaufer J, Jahr W, Randuch M, Johnson AJ, Benková E, Friml J, Danzl JG. Super-resolution expansion microscopy in plant roots. bioRxiv, 10.1101/2024.02.21.581330.
Gallei, Michelle C., et al. “Super-Resolution Expansion Microscopy in Plant Roots.” BioRxiv, doi:10.1101/2024.02.21.581330.
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