Mechanochemical rules for shape-shifting filaments that remodel membranes
Meadowcroft B, Palaia I, Pfitzner AK, Roux A, Baum B, Šarić A. 2022. Mechanochemical rules for shape-shifting filaments that remodel membranes. Physical Review Letters. 129(26), 268101.
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Meadowcroft, BillieISTA
Palaia, IvanISTA
Pfitzner, Anna Katharina;
Roux, Aurélien;
Baum, Buzz;
Šarić, AnđelaISTA 

Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation
The sequential exchange of filament composition to increase filament curvature was proposed as a mechanism for how some biological polymers deform and cut membranes. The relationship between the filament composition and its mechanical effect is lacking. We develop a kinetic model for the assembly of composite filaments that includes protein–membrane adhesion, filament mechanics and membrane mechanics. We identify the physical conditions for such a membrane remodeling and show this mechanism of sequential polymer assembly lowers the energetic barrier for membrane deformation.
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Physical Review Letters
American Physical Society
We thank T. C. T. Michaels and J. Palacci for useful discussions. We thank Claudia Flandoli for the illustrations in Fig. 1(b) and Fig. 2. We acknowledge funding by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant
Agreement No. 101034413 (I. P.), the Royal Society Grant No. UF160266 (A. Š.), the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (Grant No. 802960; B. M., I. P., and A. Š.), and the Volkswagen Foundation
Life Grant (B. B. and A. Š).
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Cite this
Meadowcroft B, Palaia I, Pfitzner AK, Roux A, Baum B, Šarić A. Mechanochemical rules for shape-shifting filaments that remodel membranes. Physical Review Letters. 2022;129(26). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.268101
Meadowcroft, B., Palaia, I., Pfitzner, A. K., Roux, A., Baum, B., & Šarić, A. (2022). Mechanochemical rules for shape-shifting filaments that remodel membranes. Physical Review Letters. American Physical Society.
Meadowcroft, Billie, Ivan Palaia, Anna Katharina Pfitzner, Aurélien Roux, Buzz Baum, and Anđela Šarić. “Mechanochemical Rules for Shape-Shifting Filaments That Remodel Membranes.” Physical Review Letters. American Physical Society, 2022.
B. Meadowcroft, I. Palaia, A. K. Pfitzner, A. Roux, B. Baum, and A. Šarić, “Mechanochemical rules for shape-shifting filaments that remodel membranes,” Physical Review Letters, vol. 129, no. 26. American Physical Society, 2022.
Meadowcroft B, Palaia I, Pfitzner AK, Roux A, Baum B, Šarić A. 2022. Mechanochemical rules for shape-shifting filaments that remodel membranes. Physical Review Letters. 129(26), 268101.
Meadowcroft, Billie, et al. “Mechanochemical Rules for Shape-Shifting Filaments That Remodel Membranes.” Physical Review Letters, vol. 129, no. 26, 268101, American Physical Society, 2022, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.268101.
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