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5 Publications
2024 | Epub ahead of print | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 18631 |

De Graaff A, Setton DJ, Brammer G, Cutler S, Suess KA, Labbé I, Leja J, Weibel A, Maseda MV, Whitaker KE, Bezanson R, Boogaard LA, Cleri NJ, De Lucia G, Franx M, Greene JE, Hirschmann M, Matthee JJ, Mcconachie I, Naidu RP, Oesch PA, Price SH, Rix HW, Valentino F, Wang B, Williams CC. 2024. Efficient formation of a massive quiescent galaxy at redshift 4.9. Nature Astronomy.
[Published Version]
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2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 11585 |

Matthee JJ. 2021. Differences in galaxy colours are not just about the mass. Nature Astronomy. 5, 984–985.
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| arXiv
2020 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 11611 |

Chaplin WJ, Serenelli AM, Miglio A, Morel T, Mackereth JT, Vincenzo F, Kjeldsen H, Basu S, Ball WH, Stokholm A, Verma K, Mosumgaard JR, Silva Aguirre V, Mazumdar A, Ranadive P, Antia HM, Lebreton Y, Ong J, Appourchaux T, Bedding TR, Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Creevey O, García RA, Handberg R, Huber D, Kawaler SD, Lund MN, Metcalfe TS, Stassun KG, Bazot M, Beck PG, Bell KJ, Bergemann M, Buzasi DL, Benomar O, Bossini D, Bugnet LA, Campante TL, Orhan ZÇ, Corsaro E, González-Cuesta L, Davies GR, Di Mauro MP, Egeland R, Elsworth YP, Gaulme P, Ghasemi H, Guo Z, Hall OJ, Hasanzadeh A, Hekker S, Howe R, Jenkins JM, Jiménez A, Kiefer R, Kuszlewicz JS, Kallinger T, Latham DW, Lundkvist MS, Mathur S, Montalbán J, Mosser B, Bedón AM, Nielsen MB, Örtel S, Rendle BM, Ricker GR, Rodrigues TS, Roxburgh IW, Safari H, Schofield M, Seager S, Smalley B, Stello D, Szabó R, Tayar J, Themeßl N, Thomas AEL, Vanderspek RK, van Rossem WE, Vrard M, Weiss A, White TR, Winn JN, Yıldız M. 2020. Age dating of an early Milky Way merger via asteroseismology of the naked-eye star ν Indi. Nature Astronomy. 4(4), 382–389.
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