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11 Publications
2024 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 15318 |
A note on the binding energy for Bosons in the mean-field limit
L. Bossmann, N.K. Leopold, D.J. Mitrouskas, S.P. Petrat, Journal of Statistical Physics 191 (2024).
[Published Version]
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| arXiv
L. Bossmann, N.K. Leopold, D.J. Mitrouskas, S.P. Petrat, Journal of Statistical Physics 191 (2024).
2023 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 13317 |
Eigenstate thermalisation hypothesis for translation invariant spin systems
S. Sugimoto, S.J. Henheik, V. Riabov, L. Erdös, Journal of Statistical Physics 190 (2023).
[Published Version]
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S. Sugimoto, S.J. Henheik, V. Riabov, L. Erdös, Journal of Statistical Physics 190 (2023).
2022 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 11917 |
Large deviation estimates for weakly interacting bosons
S.A.E. Rademacher, R. Seiringer, Journal of Statistical Physics 188 (2022).
[Published Version]
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S.A.E. Rademacher, R. Seiringer, Journal of Statistical Physics 188 (2022).
2022 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 10564 |
Polaron models with regular interactions at strong coupling
K. Mysliwy, R. Seiringer, Journal of Statistical Physics 186 (2022).
[Published Version]
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| arXiv
K. Mysliwy, R. Seiringer, Journal of Statistical Physics 186 (2022).
2022 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 11732 |
The BCS energy gap at high density
S.J. Henheik, A.B. Lauritsen, Journal of Statistical Physics 189 (2022).
[Published Version]
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S.J. Henheik, A.B. Lauritsen, Journal of Statistical Physics 189 (2022).
2020 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 7508 |
Higher order corrections to the mean-field description of the dynamics of interacting bosons
L. Bossmann, N. Pavlović, P. Pickl, A. Soffer, Journal of Statistical Physics 178 (2020) 1362–1396.
[Published Version]
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| arXiv
L. Bossmann, N. Pavlović, P. Pickl, A. Soffer, Journal of Statistical Physics 178 (2020) 1362–1396.
2020 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 7235 |
Divergence of the effective mass of a polaron in the strong coupling limit
E.H. Lieb, R. Seiringer, Journal of Statistical Physics 180 (2020) 23–33.
[Published Version]
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E.H. Lieb, R. Seiringer, Journal of Statistical Physics 180 (2020) 23–33.
2017 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 7756
Emergent SO(3) symmetry of the frictionless shear jamming transition
M. Baity-Jesi, C.P. Goodrich, A.J. Liu, S.R. Nagel, J.P. Sethna, Journal of Statistical Physics 167 (2017) 735–748.
M. Baity-Jesi, C.P. Goodrich, A.J. Liu, S.R. Nagel, J.P. Sethna, Journal of Statistical Physics 167 (2017) 735–748.
2002 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 2738
Linear Boltzmann equation as the long time dynamics of an electron weakly coupled to a phonon field
L. Erdös, Journal of Statistical Physics 107 (2002) 1043–1127.
[Submitted Version]
| arXiv
L. Erdös, Journal of Statistical Physics 107 (2002) 1043–1127.
2000 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 2732
Fokker-Planck equations as scaling limits of reversible quantum systems
F. Castella, L. Erdös, F. Frommlet, P. Markowich, Journal of Statistical Physics 100 (2000) 543–601.
F. Castella, L. Erdös, F. Frommlet, P. Markowich, Journal of Statistical Physics 100 (2000) 543–601.
1990 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 2721
Ergodic properties of the multidimensional rayleigh gas with a semipermeable barrier
L. Erdös, D. Tuyen, Journal of Statistical Physics 59 (1990) 1589–1602.
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L. Erdös, D. Tuyen, Journal of Statistical Physics 59 (1990) 1589–1602.