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6372 Publications

2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 8406 | OA
Felix J, Weinhäupl K, Chipot C, Dehez F, Hessel A, Gauto DF, Morlot C, Abian O, Gutsche I, Velazquez-Campoy A, Schanda P, Fraga H. 2019. Mechanism of the allosteric activation of the ClpP protease machinery by substrates and active-site inhibitors. Science Advances. 5(9), eaaw3818.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 8410 | OA
Schanda P, Chekmenev EY. 2019. NMR for Biological Systems. ChemPhysChem. 20(2), 177–177.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 8415 | OA
Bálint P, De Simoi J, Kaloshin V, Leguil M. 2019. Marked length spectrum, homoclinic orbits and the geometry of open dispersing billiards. Communications in Mathematical Physics. 374(3), 1531–1575.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 8416 | OA
Huang G, Kaloshin V. 2019. On the finite dimensionality of integrable deformations of strictly convex integrable billiard tables. Moscow Mathematical Journal. 19(2), 307–327.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 8418 | OA
Guardia M, Kaloshin V, Zhang J. 2019. Asymptotic density of collision orbits in the Restricted Circular Planar 3 Body Problem. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis. 233(2), 799–836.
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2019 | Published | Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 8570 | OA
Althoff M, Bak S, Forets M, Frehse G, Kochdumper N, Ray R, Schilling C, Schupp S. 2019. ARCH-COMP19 Category Report: Continuous and hybrid systems with linear continuous dynamics. EPiC Series in Computing. ARCH: International Workshop on Applied Verification on Continuous and Hybrid Systems vol. 61, 14–40.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 12600 | OA
Girona‐Mata M, Miles ES, Ragettli S, Pellicciotti F. 2019. High‐resolution snowline delineation from Landsat imagery to infer snow cover controls in a Himalayan catchment. Water Resources Research. 55(8), 6754–6772.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 12601 | OA
STEINER JF, BURI P, MILES ES, RAGETTLI S, Pellicciotti F. 2019. Supraglacial ice cliffs and ponds on debris-covered glaciers: Spatio-temporal distribution and characteristics. Journal of Glaciology. 65(252), 617–632.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 12602 | OA
Wijngaard RR, Steiner JF, Kraaijenbrink PDA, Klug C, Adhikari S, Banerjee A, Pellicciotti F, van Beek LPH, Bierkens MFP, Lutz AF, Immerzeel WW. 2019. Modeling the response of the Langtang Glacier and the Hintereisferner to a changing climate since the Little Ice Age. Frontiers in Earth Science. 7, 143.
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2019 | Published | Conference Abstract | IST-REx-ID: 12901 | OA
Schlögl A, Kiss J, Elefante S. 2019. Is Debian suitable for running an HPC Cluster? AHPC19 - Austrian HPC Meeting 2019 . AHPC: Austrian HPC Meeting, 25.
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2019 | Research Data Reference | IST-REx-ID: 13067 | OA
Johannesson K, Zagrodzka Z, Faria R, Westram AM, Butlin R. 2019. Data from: Is embryo abortion a postzygotic barrier to gene flow between Littorina ecotypes?, Dryad, 10.5061/DRYAD.TB2RBNZWK.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 10874 | OA
Ionica S, Kılıçer P, Lauter K, Lorenzo García E, Manzateanu M-A, Massierer M, Vincent C. 2019. Modular invariants for genus 3 hyperelliptic curves. Research in Number Theory. 5, 9.
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2019 | Published | Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 10877 | OA
Frehse G, Abate A, Adzkiya D, Becchi A, Bu L, Cimatti A, Giacobbe M, Griggio A, Mover S, Mufid MS, Riouak I, Tonetta S, Zaffanella E. 2019. ARCH-COMP19 Category Report: Hybrid systems with piecewise constant dynamics. ARCH19. 6th International Workshop on Applied Verification of Continuous and Hybrid Systems. ARCH: International Workshop on Applied Verification on Continuous and Hybrid Systems, EPiC Series in Computing, vol. 61, 1–13.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 10878 | OA
Flandoli F, Priola E, Zanco GA. 2019. A mean-field model with discontinuous coefficients for neurons with spatial interaction. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 39(6), 3037–3067.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 10879 | OA
Dietlein AM, Gebert M, Müller P. 2019. Perturbations of continuum random Schrödinger operators with applications to Anderson orthogonality and the spectral shift function. Journal of Spectral Theory. 9(3), 921–965.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 11499 | OA
Nanayakkara T, Brinchmann J, Boogaard L, Bouwens R, Cantalupo S, Feltre A, Kollatschny W, Marino RA, Maseda M, Matthee JJ, Paalvast M, Richard J, Verhamme A. 2019. Exploring He II λ1640 emission line properties at z ∼2−4. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 648, A89.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 11505 | OA
de La Vieuville G, Bina D, Pello R, Mahler G, Richard J, Drake AB, Herenz EC, Bauer FE, Clément B, Lagattuta D, Laporte N, Martinez J, Patrício V, Wisotzki L, Zabl J, Bouwens RJ, Contini T, Garel T, Guiderdoni B, Marino RA, Maseda MV, Matthee JJ, Schaye J, Soucail G. 2019. Faint end of the z ∼ 3–7 luminosity function of Lyman-alpha emitters behind lensing clusters observed with MUSE. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 628, A3.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 11507 | OA
Sobral D, Matthee JJ. 2019. Predicting Lyα escape fractions with a simple observable: Lyα in emission as an empirically calibrated star formation rate indicator. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 623, A157.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 11514 | OA
Boogaard LA, Decarli R, González-López J, van der Werf P, Walter F, Bouwens R, Aravena M, Carilli C, Bauer FE, Brinchmann J, Contini T, Cox P, da Cunha E, Daddi E, Díaz-Santos T, Hodge J, Inami H, Ivison R, Maseda M, Matthee JJ, Oesch P, Popping G, Riechers D, Schaye J, Schouws S, Smail I, Weiss A, Wisotzki L, Bacon R, Cortes PC, Rix H-W, Somerville RS, Swinbank M, Wagg J. 2019. The ALMA spectroscopic survey in the HUDF: Nature and physical properties of gas-mass selected galaxies using MUSE spectroscopy. The Astrophysical Journal. 882(2), 140.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 11516 | OA
Marino RA, Cantalupo S, Pezzulli G, Lilly SJ, Gallego S, Mackenzie R, Matthee JJ, Brinchmann J, Bouché N, Feltre A, Muzahid S, Schroetter I, Johnson SD, Nanayakkara T. 2019. A giant Lyα nebula and a small-scale clumpy outflow in the system of the exotic quasar J0952+0114 unveiled by MUSE. The Astrophysical Journal. 880(1), 47.
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