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9447 Publications

2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 2677
Varga V, Hangya B, Kránitz K, Ludányi A, Zemankovics R, Katona I, Shigemoto R, Freund T, Borhegyi Z. 2008. The presence of pacemaker HCN channels identifies theta rhythmic GABAergic neurons in the medial septum. Journal of Physiology. 586(16), 3893–3915.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 2679
Antal M, Fukazawa Y, Eördögh M, Muszil D, Molnár E, Itakura M, Takahashi M, Shigemoto R. 2008. Numbers, densities, and colocalization of AMPA- and NMDA-type glutamate receptors at individual synapses in the superficial spinal dorsal horn of rats. Journal of Neuroscience. 28(39), 9692–9701.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 2681
Shinohara Y, Hirase H, Watanabe M, Itakura M, Takahashi M, Shigemoto R. 2008. Left-right asymmetry of the hippocampal synapses with differential subunit allocation of glutamate receptors. PNAS. 105(49), 19498–19503.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 2702 | OA
Erdös L, Salmhofer M, Yau H. 2008. Feynman graphs and renormalization in quantum diffusion. Symposium in Honor of Wolfhart Zimmermann’s 80th Birthday, 167–182.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 2753
Erdös L, Salmhofer M, Yau H. 2008. Quantum diffusion of the random Schrödinger evolution in the scaling limit. Acta Mathematica. 200(2), 211–277.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 2754
Adami R, Erdös L. 2008. Rate of decoherence for an electron weakly coupled to a phonon gas. Journal of Statistical Physics. 132(2), 301–328.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 2755
Erdös L, Schlein B, Yau H. 2008. Ground-state energy of a low-density Bose gas: A second-order upper bound. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 78(5).
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 2795
Hof B, De Lózar A, Kuik D, Westerweel J. 2008. Repeller or attractor? Selecting the dynamical model for the onset of turbulence in pipe flow. Physical Review Letters. 101(21).
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 2892
Azevedo R, Lohaus R, Paixao T. 2008. Networking networks. Evolution & Development. 10(5), 514–515.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3031
Dhonukshe P, Grigoriev I, Fischer R, Tominaga M, Robinson D, Hašek J, Paciorek T, Petrášek J, Seifertová D, Tejos R, Meisel L, Zažímalová E, Gadella T, Stierhof Y, Ueda T, Oiwa K, Akhmanova A, Brock R, Spang A, Friml J. 2008. Auxin transport inhibitors impair vesicle motility and actin cytoskeleton dynamics in diverse eukaryotes. PNAS. 105(11), 4489–4494.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3045
Dhonukshe P, Tanaka H, Goh T, Ebine K, Mähönen A, Prasad K, Blilou I, Geldner N, Xu J, Uemura T, Chory J, Ueda T, Nakano A, Scheres B, Friml J. 2008. Generation of cell polarity in plants links endocytosis auxin distribution and cell fate decisions. Nature. 456(7224), 962–966.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3041
Santelia D, Henrichs S, Vincenzetti V, Sauer M, Bigler L, Klein M, Bailly A, Lee Y, Friml J, Geisler M, Martinoia E. 2008. Flavonoids redirect PIN mediated polar auxin fluxes during root gravitropic responses. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283(45), 31218–31226.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3043
Kleine Vehn J, Friml J. 2008. Polar targeting and endocytic recycling in auxin-dependent plant development. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. 24, 447–473.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3039
De Smet I, Vassileva V, De Rybel B, Levesque M, Grunewald W, Van Damme D, Van Noorden G, Naudts M, Van Isterdael G, De Clercq R, Wang J, Meuli N, Vanneste S, Friml J, Hilson P, Jürgens G, Ingram G, Inzé D, Benfey P, Beeckman T. 2008. Receptor-like kinase ACR4 restricts formative cell divisions in the Arabidopsis root. Science. 322(5901), 594–597.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3042
Kleine Vehn J, Leitner J, Zwiewka M, Sauer M, Abas L, Luschnig C, Friml J. 2008. Differential degradation of PIN2 auxin efflux carrier by retromer dependent vacuolar targeting. PNAS. 105(46), 17812–17817.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3040
Kleine Vehn J, Łangowski Ł, Wiśniewska J, Dhonukshe P, Brewer P, Friml J. 2008. Cellular and molecular requirements for polar PIN targeting and transcytosis in plants. Molecular Plant. 1(6), 1056–1066.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3044
Mravec J, Kubeš M, Bielach A, Gaykova V, Petrášek J, Skůpa P, Chand S, Benková E, Zažímalová E, Friml J. 2008. Interaction of PIN and PGP transport mechanisms in auxin distribution-dependent development. Development. 135(20), 3345–3354.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3194
Kohli P, Shekhovtsov A, Rother C, Kolmogorov V, Torr P. 2008. On partial optimality in multi label MRFs. ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning, 480–487.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3226
Pietrzak KZ, Sjödin J. 2008. Weak pseudorandom functions in minicrypt. ICALP: Automata, Languages and Programming, LNCS, vol. 5126, 423–436.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3228
Pietrzak KZ. 2008. Compression from collisions or why CRHF combiners have a long output. CRYPTO: International Cryptology Conference, LNCS, vol. 5157, 413–432.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3229
Dziembowski S, Pietrzak KZ. 2008. Leakage resilient cryptography. FOCS: Foundations of Computer Science, 293–302.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3227
Zubielik P, Nadaczny J, Pietrzak KZ, Lawenda M. 2008. Elektrowiz – system of measurement data management. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny. 84(10), 239–242.
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2008 |Published| Book Review | IST-REx-ID: 3410
Janovjak HL, Sapra T, Kedrov A, Mueller D. 2008. From valleys to ridges: Exploring the energy landscape of single membrane proteins. ChemPhysChem. 9(7), 954–966.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3409
Struckmeier J, Wahl R, Leuschner M, Nunes J, Janovjak HL, Geisler U, Hofmann G, Jähnke T, Mueller D. 2008. Fully automated single-molecule force spectroscopy for screening applications. Nanotechnology. 19(38).
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3501
Adler BT, Chatterjee K, De Alfaro L, Faella M, Pye I, Raman V. 2008. Assigning trust to Wikipedia content. WikiSym: International Symposium on Wikis.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3502
Chatterjee K, De Alfaro L, Pye I. 2008. Robust content-driven reputation. AISec: Artificial Intelligence and Security, 33–42.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3520
O’Neill J, Senior T, Allen K, Huxter J, Csicsvari JL. 2008. Reactivation of experience-dependent cell assembly patterns in the hippocampus. Nature Neuroscience. 11(2), 209–215.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3537
Senior T, Huxter J, Allen K, O’Neill J, Csicsvari JL. 2008. Gamma oscillatory firing reveals distinct populations of pyramidal cells in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience. 28(9), 2274–2286.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3534
Dupret D, Pleydell Bouverie B, Csicsvari JL. 2008. Inhibitory interneurons and network oscillations. PNAS. 105(47), 18079–18080.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3600
Yang E, Barton NH, Arslan T, Erdogan A. 2008. Scalability of a novel shifting balance theory-based optimization algorithm: A comparative study on a cluster-based wireless sensor network. IECS: International Conference on Evolvable Systems, LNCS, vol. 5216, 249–260.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3606
Barton NH. 2008. The effect of a barrier to gene flow on patterns of geographic variation. Genetical Research. 90(1), 139–149.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3605
De Cara M, Barton NH, Kirkpatrick M. 2008. A model for the evolution of assortative mating. American Naturalist. 171(5), 580–596.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3705
Blaschko M, Lampert C. 2008. Learning to localize objects with structured output regression. ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision, LNCS, vol. 5302, 2–15.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3700
Lampert C. 2008. Partitioning of image datasets using discriminative context information. CVPR: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1–8.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3716
Lampert C, Blaschko M. 2008. A multiple kernel learning approach to joint multi-class object detection. DAGM: German Association For Pattern Recognition, LNCS, vol. 5096, 31–40.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3714
Lampert C, Blaschko M, Hofmann T. 2008. Beyond sliding windows: Object localization by efficient subwindow search. CVPR: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1–8.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3734 | OA
Tkačik G, Gregor T, Bialek W. 2008. The role of input noise in transcriptional regulation. PLoS One. 3(7).
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3751 | OA
Kinkhabwala A, Guet CC. 2008. Uncovering cis regulatory codes using synthetic promoter shuffling. PLoS One. 3(4), e2030.
[Published Version] View | Files available | DOI | PubMed | Europe PMC

2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3754
Guet CC, Bruneaux L, Min T, Siegal Gaskins D, Figueroa I, Emonet T, Cluzel P. 2008. Minimally invasive determination of mRNA concentration in single living bacteria. Nucleic Acids Research. 36(12).
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3769
Kupczok A, Von Haeseler A, Klaere S. 2008. An Exact Algorithm for the Geodesic Distance between Phylogenetic Trees. Journal of Computational Biology. 15(6), 577–591.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3826
Doischer D, Hosp J, Yanagawa Y, Obata K, Jonas PM, Vida I, Bartos M. 2008. Postnatal differentiation of basket cells from slow to fast signaling devices. Journal of Neuroscience. 28(48), 12956–68.
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2008 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3827
Kerr A, Reisinger E, Jonas PM. 2008. Differential dependence of phasic transmitter release on synaptotagmin 1 at GABAergic and glutamatergic hippocampal synapses. PNAS. 105(40), 15581–6.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3504 | OA
Chatterjee K, De Alfaro L, Majumdar R, Raman V. 2008. Algorithms for game metrics. FSTTCS: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, LIPIcs, vol. 2, 107–118.
[Published Version] View | Files available | DOI

2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3875
Chatterjee K, Henzinger TA, Sen K. 2008. Model-checking omega-regular properties of interval Markov chains. FoSSaCS: Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, LNCS, vol. 4962, 302–317.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3873
Chatterjee K, Majumdar R, Henzinger TA. 2008. Controller synthesis with budget constraints. HSCC: Hybrid Systems - Computation and Control, LNCS, vol. 4981, 72–86.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3876
Chatterjee K, Henzinger TA, Prabhu V. 2008. Timed parity games: complexity and robustness. FORMATS: Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, LNCS, vol. 5215, 124–140.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3877
Chatterjee K, Henzinger TA, Jobstmann B. 2008. Environment assumptions for synthesis. CONCUR: Concurrency Theory, LNCS, vol. 5201, 147–161.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3878 | OA
Chatterjee K, De Alfaro L, Majumdar R. 2008. The complexity of coverage. APLAS: Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, LNCS, vol. 5356, 91–106.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3874
Chatterjee K, Henzinger TA, Prabhu V. 2008. Trading infinite memory for uniform randomness in timed games. HSCC: Hybrid Systems - Computation and Control, LNCS, vol. 4981, 87–100.
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2008 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3879
Chatterjee K, Doyen L, Henzinger TA. 2008. Quantitative languages. CSL: Computer Science Logic, LNCS, vol. 5213, 385–400.
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