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452 Publications
2014 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 8459
Morin S, Linnet TE, Lescanne M, Schanda P, Thompson GS, Tollinger M, Teilum K, Gagné S, Marion D, Griesinger C, Blackledge M, d’Auvergne EJ. 2014. Relax: The analysis of biomolecular kinetics and thermodynamics using NMR relaxation dispersion data. Bioinformatics. 30(15), 2219–2220.
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2014 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 8460
Ma P, Haller JD, Zajakala J, Macek P, Sivertsen AC, Willbold D, Boisbouvier J, Schanda P. 2014. Probing transient conformational states of proteins by solid-state R1ρ relaxation-dispersion NMR spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 53(17), 4312–4317.
2014 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 1816 |

Huber S, Held M, Meerwald P, Kwitt R. 2014. Topology-preserving watermarking of vector graphics. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications. 24(1), 61–86.
[Published Version]
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2014 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 18200 |

Leonard J, Lee M, Morales A, Karg TM, Esslinger T, Donner T. 2014. Optical transport and manipulation of an ultracold atomic cloud using focus-tunable lenses. New Journal of Physics. 16(9), 093028.
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2014 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 1821 |

Seiringer R. 2014. Bose gases, Bose-Einstein condensation, and the Bogoliubov approximation. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 55(7), 1.4881536.
[Submitted Version]
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2014 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 1842 |

Cibulka J, Gao P, Krcál M, Valla T, Valtr P. 2014. On the geometric ramsey number of outerplanar graphs. Discrete & Computational Geometry. 53(1), 64–79.
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2014 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 1844 |

Risso V, Manssour Triedo F, Delgado Delgado A, Arco R, Barroso Deljesús A, Inglés Prieto Á, Godoy Ruiz R, Gavira J, Gaucher E, Ibarra Molero B, Sánchez Ruiz J. 2014. Mutational studies on resurrected ancestral proteins reveal conservation of site-specific amino acid preferences throughout evolutionary history. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 32(2), 440–455.
[Published Version]
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2014 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 1852 |

Sassi M, Ali O, Boudon F, Cloarec G, Abad U, Cellier C, Chen X, Gilles B, Milani P, Friml J, Vernoux T, Godin C, Hamant O, Traas J. 2014. An auxin-mediated shift toward growth isotropy promotes organ formation at the shoot meristem in Arabidopsis. Current Biology. 24(19), 2335–2342.
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2014 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 1854 |

Guerrero P, Auzinger T, Wimmer M, Jeschke S. 2014. Partial shape matching using transformation parameter similarity. Computer Graphics Forum. 34(1), 239–252.
[Submitted Version]
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2014 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 1862 |

Chen X, Grandont L, Li H, Hauschild R, Paque S, Abuzeineh A, Rakusova H, Benková E, Perrot Rechenmann C, Friml J. 2014. Inhibition of cell expansion by rapid ABP1-mediated auxin effect on microtubules. Nature. 516(729), 90–93.
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| PubMed | Europe PMC
2014 | Published | Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 1870 |

Henzinger TA, Otop J, Samanta R. 2014. Lipschitz robustness of finite-state transducers. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs. FSTTCS: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, LIPIcs, vol. 29, 431–443.
[Published Version]
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2014 | Published | Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 1872 |

Gupta A, Kovács L, Kragl B, Voronkov A. 2014. Extensional crisis and proving identity. ATVA 2014. ATVA: Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, LNCS, vol. 8837, 185–200.
[Submitted Version]
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2014 | Published | Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 1875 |

Samanta R, Olivo O, Allen E. 2014. Cost-aware automatic program repair. SAS: Static Analysis Symposium, LNCS, vol. 8723, 268–284.
[Submitted Version]
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2014 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 1876 |

Dolbilin N, Edelsbrunner H, Glazyrin A, Musin O. 2014. Functionals on triangulations of delaunay sets. Moscow Mathematical Journal. 14(3), 491–504.
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