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9471 Publications

2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3187
Fusion of stereo colour and contrast
A. Blake, A. Criminisi, G. Cross, V. Kolmogorov, C. Rother, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 28 (2007) 295–304.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3218 View | DOI

2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3305
Evolution can favor antagonistic epistasis
M. Desai, D. Weissman, M. Feldman, Genetics 177 (2007) 1001–10.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3411 | OA
Free energy of membrane protein unfolding derived from single-molecule force measurements
J. Preiner, H.L. Janovjak, C. Rankl, H. Knaus, D. Cisneros, A. Kedrov, F. Kienberger, D. Mueller, P. Hinterdorfer, Biophysical Journal 93 (2007) 930–937.
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2007 |Published| Book Review | IST-REx-ID: 3412
Deciphering molecular interactions of native membrane proteins by single-molecule force spectroscopy
A. Kedrov, H.L. Janovjak, T. Sapra, D. Mueller, Annual Review of Biophysics 36 (2007) 233–260.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3427 | OA
Morphogen transport in epithelia
M.T. Bollenbach, K. Kruse, P. Pantazis, M. Gonzalez Gaitan, F. Julicher, Physical Review E Statistical Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics 75 (2007).
[Preprint] View | DOI | Download Preprint (ext.) | arXiv

2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3523
Place-selective firing contributes to the reverse-order reactivation of CA1 pyramidal cells during sharp waves in open-field exploration
J.L. Csicsvari, J. O’Neill, K. Allen, T. Senior, European Journal of Neuroscience 26 (2007) 704–716.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3601
Multiobjective optimal design of MEMS-based reconfigurable and evolvable sensor networks for space applications
E. Yang, N. Haridas, A. El Rayis, A. Erdogan, T. Arslan, N.H. Barton, in:, IEEE, 2007, pp. 27–34.
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2007 |Published| Report | IST-REx-ID: 3687
Efficient subwindow search for object localization
M. Blaschko, T. Hofmann, C. Lampert, Efficient Subwindow Search for Object Localization, Max-Planck-Institute for Biological Cybernetics, 2007.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3701
Optimal dominant motion estimation using adaptive search of transformation space
A. Ulges, C. Lampert, D. Keysers, T. Breuel, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 204–213.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3731
Precise physical models of protein-DNA interaction from high-throughput data
J. Kinney, G. Tkačik, C. Callan, PNAS 104 (2007) 501–506.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3765
A finite element method for animating large viscoplastic flow
A. Bargteil, C. Wojtan, J. Hodgins, G. Turk, ACM Transactions on Graphics 26 (2007).
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3762
Animating corrosion and erosion
C. Wojtan, M. Carlson, P. Mucha, G. Turk, in:, Eurographics Association, 2007, pp. 15–22.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3816
Synaptic mechanisms of synchronized gamma oscillations in inhibitory interneuron networks (Review)
M. Bartos, I. Vida, P.M. Jonas, Nature Reviews Neuroscience 8 (2007) 45–56.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3911
Social prophylaxis: group interaction promotes collective immunity in ant colonies
L.V. Ugelvig, S. Cremer, Current Biology 17 (2007) 1967–1971.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3909
Social immunity
S. Cremer, S. Armitage, P. Schmid Hempel, Current Biology 17 (2007) R693–R702.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3910
Plasticity in anti-parasite behaviours and its suggested role in invasion biology
D. Hughes, S. Cremer, Animal Behaviour 74 (2007) 1593–1599.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3976
Protein-protein interfaces: Properties, preferences, and projections
J. Headd, Y.E.A. Ban, P. Brown, H. Edelsbrunner, M. Vaidya, J. Rudolph, Journal of Proteome Research 6 (2007) 2576–2586.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3981
Alpha-beta witness complexes
D. Attali, H. Edelsbrunner, J. Harer, Y. Mileyko, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 386–397.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3975
Inferring local homology from sampled stratified spaces
P. Bendich, D. Cohen Steiner, H. Edelsbrunner, J. Harer, D. Morozov, in:, IEEE, 2007, pp. 536–546.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3977
Inclusion-exclusion formulas from independent complexes
D. Attali, H. Edelsbrunner, Discrete & Computational Geometry 37 (2007) 59–77.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4152
Zebrafish gastrulation: Cell movements, signals, and mechanisms
L. Rohde, C.-P.J. Heisenberg, International Review of Cytology - A Survey of Cell Biology 261 (2007) 159–192.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4182
The role of cell adhesion and contractility for germ layer morphogenesis during zebrafish gastrulation
M. Krieg, Y. Arboleda, D. Müller, C.-P.J. Heisenberg, European Journal of Cell Biology 86 (2007) 39–39.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4225
Evolution and multilevel optimization of the genetic code
M.T. Bollenbach, K. Vetsigian, R. Kishony, Genome Research 17 (2007) 401–404.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4226
Kinetics of morphogen gradient formation
A. Kicheva, P. Pantazis, T. Bollenbach, Y. Kalaidzidis, T. Bittig, F. Julicher, M. Gonzalez Gaitan, Science 315 (2007) 521–525.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4342 View | DOI | Download None (ext.)

2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4343
Wikipedia und Normdateien: Wege der Vernetzung am Beispiel der Kooperation mit der Personennamendatei
P. Danowski, B. Pfeifer, Bibliothek - Forschung Und Praxis 31 (2007) 149–155.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4344
Bibliothek 2.0 ? Wird alles anders?
P. Danowski, L. Heller, Bibliothek - Forschung Und Praxis 31 (2007) 130–136.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4353
The use of coded PCR primers enables high-throughput sequencing of multiple homolog amplification products by 454 parallel sequencing
J. Binladen, M.T. Gilbert, J.P. Bollback, F. Panitz, C. Bendixen, R. Nielsen, E. Willerslev, PLoS One 2 (2007).
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4356
Genes under positive selection in Escherichia coli
L. Petersen, J.P. Bollback, M. Dimmic, M. Hubisz, R. Nielsen, Genome Research 17 (2007) 1336–1343.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4355
Clonal interference is alleviated by high mutation rates in large populations
J.P. Bollback, J. Huelsenbeck, Molecular Biology and Evolution 24 (2007) 1397–1406.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4354
Exploring genomic dark matter: a critical assessment of the performance of homology search methods on noncoding RNA
E. Freyhult, J.P. Bollback, P. Gardner, Genome Research 17 (2007) 117–25.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4370
On synthesizing controllers from bounded-response properties
O. Maler, D. Nickovic, A. Pnueli, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 95–107.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4368
AMT: a property-based monitoring tool for analog systems
D. Nickovic, O. Maler, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 304–319.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3022
Clathrin-mediated constitutive endocytosis of PIN auxin efflux carriers in Arabidopsis
P. Dhonukshe, F. Aniento, I. Hwang, D. Robinson, J. Mravec, Y. Stierhof, J. Friml, Current Biology 17 (2007) 520–527.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3027
MODULATOR of PIN genes control steady state levels of Arabidopsis PIN proteins
N. Malenica, L. Abas, R. Benjamins, S. Kitakura, H. Sigmund, K. Jun, M. Hauser, J. Friml, C. Luschnig, Plant Journal 51 (2007) 537–550.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3144
ETS transcription factor Erm controls subsynaptic gene expression in skeletal muscles
S. Hippenmeyer, R. Huber, D. Ladle, K. Murphy, S. Arber, Neuron 55 (2007) 726–740.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3223
Improving the security of MACs via randomized message preprocessing
Y. Dodis, K.Z. Pietrzak, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 414–433.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3222
Parallel repetition of computationally sound protocols revisited
K.Z. Pietrzak, D. Wikström, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 86–102.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3220
Intrusion resilient secret sharing
S. Dziembowski, K.Z. Pietrzak, in:, IEEE, 2007, pp. 227–237.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3219
Indistinguishability amplification
U. Maurer, K.Z. Pietrzak, R. Renner, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 130–149.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3221
Range extension for weak PRFs the good the bad and the ugly
K.Z. Pietrzak, J. Sjödin, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 517–533.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3436
Behavioral paternity predicts genetic paternity in satin bowerbirds, a species with a non-resource-based mating system
S. Reynolds, K. Dryer, J.P. Bollback, J.A. Uy, G. Patricelli, T. Robson, G. Borgia, M. Braun, The Auk 124 (2007) 857–867.
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2007 |Published| Book Chapter | IST-REx-ID: 3432
Estimating the history of mutations on a phylogeny
J.P. Bollback, P. Gardner, R. Nielsen, in:, D. Liberles (Ed.), Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction, Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 69–79.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3450
Neural inhibition
P.M. Jonas, G. Buzsáki, Scholarpedia 2 (2007).
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3561 | OA
Weak witnesses for Delaunay triangulations of submanifolds
D. Attali, H. Edelsbrunner, Y. Mileyko, in:, ACM, 2007, pp. 143–150.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3681
Optimal dominant motion estimation using adaptive search of transformation space
A. Ulges, C. Lampert, D. Keysers, T. Breuel, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 204–213.
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2007 |Published| Book | IST-REx-ID: 3674
N.H. Barton, D. Briggs, J. Eisen, D. Goldstein, N. Patel, Evolution, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2007.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3727
Digital force-feedback for protein unfolding experiments using atomic force microscopy
C. Bippes, H.L. Janovjak, A. Kedrov, D. Mueller, Nanotechnology 18 (2007).
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3723
Transmembrane helices have rough energy surfaces
H.L. Janovjak, H. Knaus, D. Mueller, Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (2007) 246–247.
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2007 |Published| Preprint | IST-REx-ID: 3742 | OA
Faster solutions of the inverse pairwise Ising problem
T. Broderick, M. Dudik, G. Tkačik, R. Schapire, W. Bialek, ArXiv q-QM (2007).
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3821
Subthreshold dendritic signal processing and coincidence detection in dentate gyrus granule cells
C. Schmidt Hieber, P.M. Jonas, J. Bischofberger, Journal of Neuroscience 27 (2007) 8430–8441.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3820
Structural determinants of transmission at large hippocampal mossy fiber synapses
A. Rollenhagen, K. Satzler, E.P. Rodriguez, P.M. Jonas, M. Frotscher, J. Lubke, Journal of Neuroscience 27 (2007) 10434–44.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3819
Differential gating and recruitment of P/Q-, N-, and R-type Ca(2+) channels in hippocampal mossy fiber boutons
L. Li, J. Bischofberger, P.M. Jonas, Journal of Neuroscience 27 (2007) 13420–9.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3883
Generalized parity games
K. Chatterjee, T.A. Henzinger, N. Piterman, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 153–167.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3882
Concurrent games with tail objectives
K. Chatterjee, Theoretical Computer Science 388 (2007) 181–198.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3884
Strategy logic
K. Chatterjee, T.A. Henzinger, N. Piterman, in:, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2007, pp. 59–73.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3881
Qualitative logics and equivalences for probabilistic systems
L. De Alfaro, K. Chatterjee, M. Faella, A. Legay, in:, IEEE, 2007, pp. 237–248.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3887
Markov decision processes with multiple long-run average objectives
K. Chatterjee, in:, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2007, pp. 473–484.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3886
Stochastic Müller games are PSPACE-complete
K. Chatterjee, in:, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2007, pp. 436–448.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 3885
Optimal strategy synthesis in stochastic Müller games
K. Chatterjee, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 138–152.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3938
RhoH is important for positive thymocyte selection and T-cell receptor signaling
T. Dorn, U. Kuhn, G. Bungartz, S. Stiller, M. Bauer, J. Ellwart, T. Peters, K. Scharffetter Kochanek, M. Semmrich, M. Laschinger, B. Holzmann, W. Klinkert, P. Straten, T. Køllgaard, M.K. Sixt, C. Brakebusch, Blood 109 (2007) 2346–2355.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3937
Lymph node chemokines promote sustained T lymphocyte motility without triggering stable integrin adhesiveness in the absence of shear forces
E. Woolf, I. Grigorova, A. Sagiv, V. Grabovsky, S. Feigelson, Z. Shulman, T. Hartmann, M.K. Sixt, J. Cyster, R. Alon, Nature Immunology 8 (2007) 1076–1085.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3973
Inequalities for the curvature of curves and surfaces
D. Cohen Steiner, H. Edelsbrunner, Foundations of Computational Mathematics 7 (2007) 391–404.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 3972
Stability of persistence diagrams
D. Cohen Steiner, H. Edelsbrunner, J. Harer, Discrete & Computational Geometry 37 (2007) 103–120.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4205
The Bmp gradient of the zebrafish gastrula guides migrating lateral cells by regulating cell-cell adhesion
S. Von Der Hardt, J. Bakkers, A. Inbal, L. Carvalho, L. Solnica Krezel, C.-P.J. Heisenberg, M. Hammerschmidt, Current Biology 17 (2007) 475–487.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4234 | OA [Preprint] View | DOI | Download Preprint (ext.) | arXiv

2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4233
Alternativas prebióticas para la síntesis de amino- ácidos y otras moléculas relacionadas
H. de Vladar, in:, N. Falcón, Y. Loyo De Sardi (Eds.), Consejo de Desarrollo Cientifico y Tecnologico, 2007, pp. 91–109.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4247
The relation between multilocus population genetics and social evolution theory
A. Gardner, S. West, N.H. Barton, American Naturalist 169 (2007) 207–226.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4246
Do evolution and ecology need the Gaia hypothesis?
A. Free, N.H. Barton, Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22 (2007) 611–619.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4399
Algorithms for interface synthesis
D. Beyer, T.A. Henzinger, V. Singh, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 4–19.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4394
Using First-Order Theorem Provers in the Jahob Data Structure Verification System
C. Bouillaguet, V. Kuncak, T. Wies, K. Zee, M. Rinard, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 74–88.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4398
Shape Analysis for Composite Data Structures
J. Berdine, C. Calcagno, B. Cook, D. Distefano, P. O’Hearn, T. Wies, H. Yang, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 178–192.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4405
Qualitative networks: A symbolic approach to analyze biological signaling networks
M. Schaub, T.A. Henzinger, J. Fisher, BMC Systems Biology 1 (2007).
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4402
Model Checking on Trees with Path Equivalences
R. Alur, P. Cerny, S. Chaudhuri, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 664–678.
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2007 |Published| Book Chapter | IST-REx-ID: 4417
Abstract counterexample-based refinement for powerset domains
R. Manevich, J. Field, T.A. Henzinger, G. Ramalingam, M. Sagiv, in:, Program Analysis and Compilation, Theory and Practice: Essays Dedicated to Reinhard Wilhelm on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, Springer, 2007, pp. 273–292.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4446
The embedded machine: Predictable, portable real-time code
T.A. Henzinger, C. Kirsch, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 29 (2007).
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4514
Games, time, and probability: Graph models for system design and analysis
T.A. Henzinger, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 103–110.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4511
Quantitative generalizations of languages
T.A. Henzinger, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 20–22.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4531
Predictive modeling of signaling crosstalk during C. elegans vulval development
J. Fisher, N. Piterman, A. Hajnal, T.A. Henzinger, PLoS Computational Biology 3(5):e92 (2007).
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4529
Executable cell biology
J. Fisher, T.A. Henzinger, Nature Biotechnology 25 (2007) 1239–1249.
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2007 |Published| Conference (Editor) | IST-REx-ID: 4530
CSL: Computer Science Logic
J. Duparc, T.A. Henzinger, CSL: Computer Science Logic , Springer, 2007.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4537
Assume-guarantee synthesis
K. Chatterjee, T.A. Henzinger, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 261–275.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4547
Algorithms for omega-regular games with imperfect information
K. Chatterjee, L. Doyen, T.A. Henzinger, J. Raskin, Logical Methods in Computer Science 3 (2007) 1–23.
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2007 |Published| Thesis | IST-REx-ID: 4559
Stochastic ω-Regular Games
K. Chatterjee, Stochastic ω-Regular Games, University of California, Berkeley, 2007.
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2007 |Published| Thesis | IST-REx-ID: 4566
A framework for compositional design and analysis of systems
A. Chakrabarti, A Framework for Compositional Design and Analysis of Systems, University of California, Berkeley, 2007.

2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4567
The software model checker BLAST: Applications to software engineering
D. Beyer, T.A. Henzinger, R. Jhala, R. Majumdar, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 9 (2007) 505–525.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4570
Minimum-time reachability in timed games
T. Brihaye, T.A. Henzinger, V. Prabhu, J. Raskin, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 825–837.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4573
Configurable software verification: Concretizing the convergence of model checking and program analysis
D. Beyer, T.A. Henzinger, G. Théoduloz, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 504–518.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4572
Invariant synthesis for combined theories
D. Beyer, T.A. Henzinger, R. Majumdar, A. Rybalchenko, in:, Springer, 2007, pp. 378–394.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4571
Path invariants
D. Beyer, T.A. Henzinger, R. Majumdar, A. Rybalchenko, in:, ACM, 2007, pp. 300–309.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 4575
An application of web-service interfaces
D. Beyer, A. Chakrabarti, T.A. Henzinger, S. Seshia, in:, IEEE, 2007, pp. 831–838.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 4626
Concurrent reachability games
L. De Alfaro, T.A. Henzinger, O. Kupferman, Theoretical Computer Science 386 (2007) 188–217.
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2007 |Published| Conference Paper | IST-REx-ID: 582 View | DOI

2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 6150
Glypican LON-2 is a conserved negative regulator of BMP-like signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans
T.L. Gumienny, L.T. MacNeil, H. Wang, M. de Bono, J.L. Wrana, R.W. Padgett, Current Biology 17 (2007) 159–164.
View | DOI | PubMed | Europe PMC

2007 |Published| Book Chapter | IST-REx-ID: 6323 | OA
An overview of Manin's conjecture for del Pezzo surfaces
T.D. Browning, in:, A Tribute to Gauss and Dirichlet, American Mathematical Society, 2007, pp. 39–56.
[Preprint] View | Download Preprint (ext.) | arXiv

2007 |Submitted| Preprint | IST-REx-ID: 6321 | OA
The Manin conjecture in dimension 2
T.D. Browning, ArXiv (n.d.).
[Preprint] View | Download Preprint (ext.) | arXiv

2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 7325
Oscillations in gas channels: Part I. The forgotten player in impedance spectroscopy in PEFCs
I.A. Schneider, S.A. Freunberger, D. Kramer, A. Wokaun, G.G. Scherer, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 154 (2007).
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 7323
Consumption and efficiency of a passenger car with a Hydrogen/Oxygen PEFC based hybrid electric drivetrain
F.N. Büchi, G. Paganelli, P. Dietrich, D. Laurent, A. Tsukada, P. Varenne, A. Delfino, R. Kötz, S.A. Freunberger, P.-A. Magne, D. Walser, D. Olsommer, Fuel Cells 7 (2007) 329–335.
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2007 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 7324
On the efficiency of an advanced automotive fuel cell system
F.N. Büchi, S.A. Freunberger, M. Reum, G. Paganelli, A. Tsukada, P. Dietrich, A. Delfino, Fuel Cells 7 (2007) 159–164.
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